Private Custody & Divorce Mediation
Create a strong and stable futureby using mediation to resolve your issues without the conflict.
If you are divorcing in the State of New Jersey, or you have custody or alimony issues, you and your spouse may find it advantageous to enter into private divorce mediation in order to resolve your differences and reach an amicable agreement. If both parties are willing, you may elect to attend New Jersey private mediation with one of the experienced and respected Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC mediators—either with or without your attorneys present. During these private mediation sessions we will attempt to resolve your family law related matters, including:
At Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, we are committed to private mediation as an efficient and amicable form of alternative dispute resolution. If you choose to attend a private mediation without an attorney, you can take comfort in knowing that you have a professional mediator in the room that is not only skilled at maintaining control, but also educated in family and matrimonial law.
If you are seeking mediation for a matter such as child custody, parenting time/visitation, or financial issues, it is imperative that you have a New Jersey mediator who is extremely knowledgeable about all relevant statutory and case law that could impact your matter. At Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, our New Jersey mediators have extensive experience in this field, since our practice is devoted exclusively to family and family law matters.
When is Private Mediation an Option
Private divorce mediation (or family law mediation) can take place before any action has been filed in the New Jersey courts. For instance, you may attempt to reach a settlement through private mediation before you file for divorce. This allows you and your spouse to maintain control of the final outcome and arrive at a settlement that is best for both you and your children. In post divorce matters, private mediation is an option before filing any modification applications with the court.
Even if your court action is in process, you may still elect to enter into private mediation. The New Jersey courts tend to look favorably on the mediation process and recognize the benefits of mediation. After all, if you and your spouse are able to resolve your issues through mediation, it is ultimately one less matter for the courts to decide.
Payment for Private Mediation
Private divorce mediation is paid for at each session by both parties, whether through joint assets or by other means, depending upon what was agreed to in advance.
Your Independent Lawyer Cannot Also Serve As Your Mediator
A mediator must be someone who is a neutral party; therefore, one of your independent attorneys cannot serve as the mediator. At Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, one of our attorneys can assist you during private mediation in two main ways.
- We can attend a private mediation with you as your attorney
- We can serve as a neutral and private mediator