
How Will New Tax Rules Affect Your Divorce?

To prevent the U.S. economy from toppling over a “fiscal cliff” that would likely result in surging tax rates and…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

What Happens to Your Inheritance in a Divorce?

Anthony’s mother passed away in 2005, and his father in 2007. As an only child, Anthony’s parents willed their estate…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Finding Your Spouse’s Hidden Income

While the law requires both parties in a divorce to disclose all assets and sources of income (declared in the…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Asking Your Spouse To Consider Divorce Mediation

You’ve done your homework and decided that pursuing private divorce mediation is in your best interest for settling your divorce…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Introducing Your Child to Your New Romantic Partner

Whether or not the relationship began during your marriage, or it’s one that didn’t start until after you were separated,…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

You Filed for Divorce — Now What?

Did you know January is called “Divorce Month” due to an annual uptick in divorce filings at the start of…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

New Jersey’s “High Conflict” Parenting Coordinator Program Ends

As 2012 ended, so did New Jersey’s 5-year-old Parenting Coordinator Pilot Program. According to a notice sent from Acting Administrative…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Paying Alimony After a Spouse Remarries

When you are required to pay alimony, a former spouse taking on a new husband or wife usually means an…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Three Ways Cheating Can Affect Your Divorce Settlement

Cheating or an affair may have ended your marriage -- but will infidelity impact the terms of your divorce settlement?…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Jailed For Not Paying Alimony?

Updated! For the latest on this case, please see the note at the bottom of this post. A New Jersey…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law