
How New 401(k) Limits Could Affect Your Divorce

During divorce, important decisions must be made about the distribution of martial retirement assets, including 401(k) accounts. Beginning in 2018,…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

3 Key Divorce Mistake To Avoid

Is is possible to go through divorce with minimum stress and conflict, and still protect your assets, your children --…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

27 Ways To Have The Best Divorce

You can hate your ex and still have a good divorce...with a little extra effort. From putting aside your negative…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

How Do I Protect My Child From Parental Alienation?

Parental Alienation is a brainwashing process in which one parent tries to undermine their child’s relationship with the co-parent. Worried…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Home Alone? When Does Leaving You Kids Become Neglect?

When parents make the decision to leave their children home unsupervised, sometimes, it’s by choice and sometimes it’s by necessity.…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Common Personalities In High-Conflict Divorce (And How To Handle Them)

Certain personality types fuel acrimonious divorces. Because high-conflict people thrive on drama, it only takes one to turn divorce into…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Are Men Entitled To Alimony?

Do men really get alimony from their wives? Or since marriage equality -- their husbands? It is a fairly frequent…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Recognizing Financial Abuse: 8 Clues That Your Loved One Is Being Controlled

Are you concerned that your loved one’s partner controls all the money? There’s a difference between a mutual agreement in…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Helping South Asian Victims of Domestic Violence Get They Need

Approximately 38 percent of women of South Asian origin living in the United States will experience domestic abuse by a…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

What’s the Difference Between a Temporary and a Final Restraining Order?

You may be familiar with the term “restraining order” as a remedy of protection for victims of domestic violence. But…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law