
Six Crucial Financial Steps to Take Before You File For Divorce

Making the decision to divorce is not easy. While you may be certain that your marriage is over, you may…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Co-Parenting With An Unreliable Ex: 5 Steps For Keeping Your Kids Secure

They're a no-show or late at almost every custody swap. They promise to call or Skype the kids...and then don't.…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Dads and Divorce: Coping Without Your Kids

You dread coming home to an empty house. Dinnertime is too quiet. The kids’ bedrooms are too neat. You spot…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

5 Steps To Overcoming Divorce Shame

Overcoming divorce shame requires time and discipline, but it can be done! Here are 5 steps you can take to…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Bari Weinberger Delivers Keynote Speech On Male Victims of Domestic Violence At Union County C.A.R.E.S. Symposium

Bari Weinberger delivered a keynote speech at the 4th annual Union County C.A.R.E.S. (Community, Action, Response, Education, Safety) Domestic Violence…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Goes BLUE for CASA Child Advocate & Child Abuse Awareness Day

Please scroll to the end of this post for more photos from today's GO BLUE event! Weinberger Divorce & Family…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

5 Sensitive Pieces Of Information You Should Always Share With Your Divorce Attorney

Tune in Friday, April 7 at 11 am on our Facebook page for a LIVE webinar on key information to…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

When Kids Witness Domestic Violence, Is It Child Abuse?

Witnessing violence in any form can leave a lasting negative impact on a child -- and when children live in…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Serving Legal Papers Through Facebook Allowed By New Jersey Court

The New Jersey family court in Morris County recently confirmed what many states have already permitted: using Facebook and other…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Becoming A Legal Guardian To Your Adult Child With Autism

When children with autism grow up and become adults, how do their rights and access to services change? In honor…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law