
3 Common Divorce Pitfalls And How to Avoid Them

The divorce process can be time consuming, draining and expensive if you let it get out of hand. And, if…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

New Court Ruling Could Change What Happens To Alimony When A Paying Spouse Accepts A Lower Paying Job

Your former spouse was ordered to pay you alimony at a rate of $400 per week for eight years. You…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Join Us For Our Domestic Violence Week Of Action Twitter Chat On 10/18

Female or male, gay or straight, white or black, rich or poor--domestic violence doesn't discriminate. A check of recent DV…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

6 Ways To Make A Difference During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In recognition of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC will host and participate in…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

A “Solutions” Response to Domestic Violence

Statistics are important. They tell a story and paint a picture. Especially during October's Domestic Violence Awareness Month when the…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Domestic Violence Protection: How The Courts Help Victims

Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, remains a dire issue in New Jersey. According to statistics compiled by…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Can You Ask for Palimony When Your Partner is Dead?

Obtaining an award of palimony in New Jersey has become more difficult over the last few years. Palimony -- a…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Smart Phone Apps Spouses Use to Spy

Only a brief Google search will yield you fast results: tracking software and smartphone applications that can be purchased, downloaded…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Domestic Violence in LGBTQ Relationships

Every victim of domestic violence counts and domestic violence doesn't discriminate. We may be accustomed to talking about abuse as…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law

Domestic Violence Doesn’t Discriminate

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month, a time when this country tries to raise awareness regarding an issue that…

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law