7 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce Mediation

Avoiding mediation mistakesMediation can be a valuable tool for spouses to reach a Marital Settlement Agreement in their divorce without the stress and expense of court litigation. But when mistakes are made during mediation, the process can become just as burdensome as a court battle, potentially derailing negotiations and piling back on all the stress.

Want to get the most out of your mediation sessions? Reach desired outcomes in your divorce by learning how to recognize and avoid these seven common mediation pitfalls. Read more

The #1 Costly Mistake Parents Make in Divorce—And How to Avoid It

custody mistakeIn divorce, parents rightly want to protect their children and their relationship with them. Too often, however, the anger, bitterness, and betrayal spouses may feel towards one another take over their decision-making, leading to costly mistakes. One of the biggest missteps parents make that turn custody decisions into custody battles?

Treating their co-parent as the enemy. Read more

3 Steps for Divorce in 2025…That Are Not What You Think

divorce prep steps
When preparing for divorce, most people focus on the obvious: gathering financial documents, hiring an attorney, and making decisions about custody and living arrangements. These steps are important, of course. But there are other overlooked actions that are often just as make or break for your divorce.

If you’re thinking about divorce—or already in the process—here are three surprising steps that can help you avoid costly mistakes and set yourself up for a more secure financial future. Read more

Safeguarding Custody or Parenting Time in 2025: 5 Key Considerations for New Jersey Families

nj child custody

If you are getting a divorce in 2025 and have children, making decisions about custody and parenting time are at the top of your priorities list. In New Jersey, the intention for any custody agreement is to create stable, nurturing environments for children. But how do you get there? And how do you ensure you are getting the time you want and need with your children?

Here are 5 key considerations for creating custody agreements and parenting time plans that put your children’s best interests first. Read more

Protecting Yourself in Divorce: 3 Overlooked Steps You MUST Take Before Divorcing in 2025

planning for divorce

Is divorce on your horizon for 2025? As you enter the planning stages for this major life transition, there is a flurry of steps to get ready for, from finding an attorney to making temporary custody arrangements. As your divorce to-do list grows, however, don’t overlook three small actions that can be pivotal for protecting yourself throughout the process. Read more

8 Lessons from the 8-Year Divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt custody

Image copyright arp, Depositphoto.com

The end of 2024 also marks the conclusion of one of the longest and most contentious high-profile divorces in recent memory. Lawyers for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have announced that the pair have finally reached a divorce settlement after eight years of legal wrangling.

Jolie and Pitt have undoubtedly learned many difficult life lessons from their lengthy ordeal. But what about the rest of us? Here are some teachable moments from their split to help divorcing spouses—famous or not—prevent their own proceedings from grinding to a standstill. Read more

7 Best Divorce Tactics For 2025 

time to divorceGetting a divorce in 2025? Entering the divorce process prepared helps you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes and gives you important tools to protect your future. Here is a look at common divorce errors to be aware of, with tactics to avoid these mistakes and achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your children.

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Divorce During the Holidays: 5 Tips for Navigating this Challenging Time

divorce during the holidaysThe holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. But if you’re going through a divorce or are newly separated, the prospect of the next few weeks may feel brutal.

There is no way to sugarcoat it: the holidays may look and feel different this year. However, that doesn’t mean they need to be unbearable! With some planning and clear communication, you can protect your well-being and still feel the peace and calm this special time of year offers.

Start with these 5 tips for happier holidays…

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Thinking About Divorce in 2025? The Time to Prepare Is Now

divorce in 2025

If you have made the decision to file for divorce in 2025, preparing for this life-changing transition is essential. Here are some key tips to help you approach the New Jersey divorce process with confidence and greater clarity. 

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Partner Chris Garibian Secures Client’s Alimony Termination Order in New NJ Appellate Court Ruling

Christopher Garibian, Divorce Lawyer

Congratulations to Chris Garibian, partner at Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, for successfully arguing an alimony termination matter before the Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division. Chris’s determined advocacy secured a favorable ruling from the appellate panel, affirming his client’s ability to end alimony obligations due to a change in financial circumstances. Read more