Morris County Top Lawyers 2020 Award

Morris County Top Lawyers Family Law 2020


We are delighted to announce that one of our family law experts has been recognized as one of the Morris County Top Lawyers for 2020. Created by Morris/Essex County Health & Life Magazine, this peer-nominated award recognizes high performing lawyers in the county. Read more

Does Ripping Up A Prenup Make It Unenforceable?

does ripping up a prenuptial agreement make it unenforceable

Image copyright Jean_Nelson,

The divorce between rapper entrepreneur Dr. Dre (Andre Young) and his wife, Nicole Young, has recently take a turn for the contentious with news that Ms. Young has filed court papers that she signed a prenuptial agreement before their 1996 marriage under duress. What’s more, Young also claims that Dre ripped up the prenup documents three years into their marriage as a sign of his love, therefore rendering the terms unenforceable. 

The former Mrs. Dre will need to provide evidence of her duress claims. But what about the idea that destroying the paper copy of a prenuptial agreement voids it? Is there any legal merit to this idea? 

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Blindsided By Divorce? Here Are The First 7 Steps To Take

Image copyright Jean_Nelson,

If you just binged season 3 of Netflix’s hit reality show Selling Sunset, then you know that…

[SPOILER ALERT!]  Read more

Do You Qualify For A COVID-19 Alimony Modification?

alimony modification

When COVID-19 descended upon New Jersey in March, the resulting negative impact on jobs and income was immediate. Many people paying alimony wondered if they had to continue paying the same amount, given their loss of income. Others, who were receiving alimony but had lost other income, wondered if they might be able to get a boost in alimony payments. In March and April, when not much time had elapsed and the general belief was that “everything would go back to normal” by summer, the overall message was: stay the course.

Now that we are SIX months into this crisis, however, things have changed and pursuing an alimony modification may be appropriate.

Do you qualify for lowered alimony payments or a higher award? Here’s some information that can help you understand your options. Read more

I Suspect My Spouse Is Cheating On Me: Where Do I Begin?

I Suspect My Spouse Is Cheating On Me

Suspecting your spouse’s infidelity is a stomach-lurching moment in any marriage. If your suspicions prove correct, rebuilding trust and deciding whether to stay or go may be a long process. So what do you do if your gut tells you your partner is cheating? Read on for tips on navigating this difficult journey. Read more

In New York State, Termination of Parental Rights Cases Vary By County: Two Family Law Experts Explore Why

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is pleased to announce the publication of “Termination of Parental Rights in New York State: Why Such a Variation By County?” coauthored by Bari Z. Weinberger, our firm’s founder managing partner, and Daniel Pollack, professor of social work at Yeshiva University. The article appears in the July issue of the peer reviewed academic journal Family Court Review, published by Wiley. Read more

Answers For Your Divorce & Family Law Questions

ask a divorce or family law questionHappy 4th of July! Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC wishes everyone a very safe and peaceful long weekend. Our offices throughout New Jersey will be closing at 3 pm on Thursday, July 2, 2020 in observance of the Independence Day holiday, and will reopen bright and early on July 6 at 8:30 AM for regular business hours.

We understand that if you are considering divorce or dealing with a family law matter, the questions and concerns on your mind don’t take a holiday. We want you to know that we are here for you all weekend long Read more

5 Lessons From The UK’s “Most Expensive Divorce”

most expensive divorce

Need some motivation to keep negotiations on track in your divorce? 

Look no further than the divorce of Russian oligarch Farkhad Akhmedov and his ex-wife Tatiana Akhmedova. Their divorce is billed as the “most expensive divorce” in the history of the United Kingdom, and may soon be called “the longest” as the bitter feuds shows no signs of slowing.  Read more

What Happens When One Spouse Refuses To Honor A Prenup?

What Happens When One Spouse Refuses To Honor A Prenup?

Israeli socialite and reality TV celebrity Nicol Raidman is divorcing her billionaire husband of 11 years, oligarch Michael Cherney. Their split is billed as the “most expensive divorce” to ever take place in Israel.  

It may also be one of the most contentious, as per reports, Raidman has already made claims that Cherney failed to honor his prenuptial agreement with her, which promised Raidman $25 million in any settlement.

How might a judge view Cherney’s refusal to honor the terms?  

If this high net worth divorce were to take place in New Jersey, here is what the couple could expect…  Read more

FAQ: Can A Marriage Be Saved Once One Spouse Files For Divorce?

can a marriage be saved

Once one spouse files for divorce, it creates an official court record and a “docket number” for the case. This action essentially puts the divorce in forward motion. Even if the other spouse opposes the divorce, responses will be required and court hearing dates will be assigned. The divorce is “on.”

But this still doesn’t mean that divorce is inevitable. Read more