A Divorce Attorney’s Advice To Harry And Meghan? Get A Post-Nup. 

harry and meghan divorce

Image copyright cheekylorns2, Depositphoto.com

With Megxit complete and Harry and Meghan relieved of their royal duties, married life for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is about to dramatically change: The couple must secure their own housing,  provide for their own income, and pay back $3.1 million of public money spent on the renovation of their former UK home.   

How can Harry and Meghan best tackle this important to-do list? Our suggestion for the Sussexes: Work out a post-nuptial agreement first before taking any further steps.   Read more

What Happens To Credit Card And Other Marital Debt After Separation And Divorce?

What happens to credit card and other marital debt after separation and divorce?

The average American couple owes upwards of $16,000 in consumer credit card debt. What happens to credit card and other marital debts after separation and divorce? Here’s a breakdown and some best practice options:  Read more

High-Conflict Divorce: 10 Tactics For Getting Through It

high conflict co-parenting

Divorce from a high-conflict person can be an incredible drain on your resources. It’s easy to get caught up in self-defeating thought patterns and behaviors that unintentionally make things worse. Wondering how to survive your acrimonious split? Here are 10 crucial strategies to get through it. Read more

Keep Your Divorce Offline! The Dangers Of Social Media During And After Divorce

divorce offline

If you’re used to documenting your day on social media, think twice before you share certain aspects of your life online during and after your divorce. Information about your love life, your kids, and your standard of living can give  your ex ample reason and motivation to amp up conflict. So before you hit post, here are some social media guidelines to keep your amicable split from turning ugly. Read more

Best 2020 Divorce Advice

2020 divorce

2020 divorce is all about divorcing with a crystal clear vision of how to move on with your life with your future safeguarded and your peace of mind intact. To help you reach your goals, we’ve put together some great divorce tips — directly from divorce lawyers! Your kids, your assets, your future…here is the 2020 divorce advice you need for the secure new life you deserve. 

Our best 2020 divorce advice: 10 divorce dos and don’ts

1. Don’t be provoked into thinking you need to file first Read more

Adultery and Divorce Q&A: Does Cheating Impact Your Settlement?

adultery and divorce

If infidelity has ended your marriage, you’re not alone. According to a 2014, American Psychological Association study, 20-40% of divorces are caused by cheating. But before you decide to split up, you need to understand how adultery does – and doesn’t – impact divorce. Read more

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Dividing the Marital Home

dividing the marital home in divorce

In many divorce cases, the marital home is the single largest asset a couple owns and one that holds a significant emotional attachment. This is particularly so when there are children involved. These two realities often make the decision of whether to sell the or not an exceptionally difficult one. So what should you consider when dividing the marital home?   Read more

Tri-Parenting: Advantages, Pitfalls and Challenges


Tri-parenting is an arrangement among three people who agree to raise a child together. As social norms evolve, same-sex parents and multi-parent families are changing the traditional notion of family. In order to accommodate these new family structures, the law is evolving as well.  Read more

3 things you MUST consider before buying a new home after divorce 

You and your soon to be ex-spouse have decided to sell the marital home. So what’s next? Like any big decisions made on the heels of a divorce, you want to proceed cautiously as you make choices about real estate. Should you buy a new house post-divorce? What about a condo? Are there any advantages to renting? As you make decisions about your next home, here are three important points to consider. Read more

3 Tax Mistakes to Avoid

divorce tax mistakes

There are so many changes that come with divorce, and one that you might not think about right away is that divorce can significantly change your taxes. Whenever there’s change, there is a chance to make mistakes. So let’s take a look at three common divorce tax mistakes people make during and after their divorce and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls.

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