Toxic Divorce: What To Expect And How To Stay Sane

toxic divorce

Are you frustrated that conventional divorce advice doesn’t seem to apply to you? Wondering when your ex is going to “get over it,” as your friends and family keep promising? Feeling overwhelmed by attempts to co-parent with someone who’s chronically hostile and manipulative?

If this is your experience, you have a toxic divorce and you probably won’t be able to mediate or make traditional co-parenting strategies work for you. You can, however, learn skills and strategies to manage conflict and crazy-making behavior. Read more

The 1-2-3s Of Surviving Infidelity And Staying Married

surviving infidelity

Infidelity doesn’t have to be a marriage ender. For some, it’s the beginning of a long overdue conversation about intimacy problems, unspoken resentments, and dissatisfaction with oneself. Wondering how to stay married after betrayal? Here are three ways to turn broken trust into an opportunity for relationship repair. Read more

Creating Your Divorce Dream Team

divorce dream team

Are you wondering how to navigate the A to Z of divorce? Have you heard terms like “forensic accountant” and “parenting plan coordinator” but aren’t really sure what these people do and if you need one? Here’s a guide to assembling your very own “divorce dream team” to guide you through the complex process of divorce. Read more

9 Survival Tips For Living Together During Divorce

If you’re living together during divorce — due to financial constraints, your desire to stake a stronger claim to the family home, or to maintain daily contact with the kids – you need a survival plan. In order to keep from going nuts, it’s important to establish boundaries, minimize conflict, and focus on putting your children first. Here are 10 tips to help you survive living together while you’re figuring out how to live apart. Read more

5 Tips For Helping Teens Through Divorce

Divorcing when your child is a teenager poses unique challenges. In many ways, the two of you are in a similar spot — while you’re trying to establish a new life as a re-singled person, your teen is trying to discover their own solid identity and place in the world.

What can you do to support your child? Here are some tips for guiding your adolescent through divorce so he can transition successfully into adulthood. Read more

Top Signs Your Spouse Is Hiding Bitcoin Assets In Your Divorce

Do you suspect that your spouse is being less than truthful about disclosing all their assets, especially high tech assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? Here are some telltale signs that your spouse is trying to keep their digital currency on the down low during your divorce.

How To Divorce A Controlling Spouse

When a controlling spouse gets a divorce, they up the ante in their head games, so be prepared for a spike in manipulation tactics. While you can’t control the controller, you can take steps to manage the chaos he (or she) stirs up. Read more

WLG Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month With FREE Legal Resources

NJ domestic violence resources

In honor of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC has created a number of free resources to help victims of spousal or intimate partner abuse protect themselves and their children.

It’s estimated that up to 25 percent of relationships in New Jersey are impacted by abuse. Domestic violence does not discriminate: It can be found in both straight and same-sex relationships, and victims can be either female or male. All victims of abuse deserve to be safeguarded.

Please use our free tools and downloads to start building a safer future. If you know a loved one who may be experiencing abuse, or you work for a domestic violence shelter or agency New Jersey, we ask that you share this information with anyone who may need it.

Our resources include: Read more

Narcissistic Abuse and Divorce: 5 Ways To Keep Your Boundaries

Narcissists lack of empathy, interpersonal exploitation, and disregard for the rights and boundaries of others. If you’ve been a victim of narcissistic abuse at the hands of your spouse, you’ve likely been on the receiving end of these character defects. Now that you’re divorcing one (or considering doing so), expect these key traits to worsen exponentially. While divorce from a narcissist isn’t easy (not by a longshot), there are steps you can take to protect yourself and maintain your boundaries. Read more

Divorce and Sex Addiction

high conflict ex

If you are getting a divorce and sex addiction is the cause, you may wonder how his (or her) addiction will impact your divorce proceedings, and post-divorce life. Read on to learn what to expect when you’re going through divorce from a sex addict. Read more