What New Jersey’s New Surrogacy Law Means For Your Plans to Have a Baby Via Gestational Carrier

lgbt surrogacy

Same-sex couples who wish to become parents and couples struggling with infertility may have just had their dreams of having a baby move a bit closer to reality, thanks to the passage of New Jersey’s new gestational surrogacy law. 
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FREE Webinar: 5 Key Strategies for Divorcing a Narcissist

If you are divorcing someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), you need to understand the sort of behaviors to expect, and how to cope. 

Divorcing a narcissist can be difficult — both emotionally and legally — and that’s why we put together a special free webinar on key strategies that can get you through your divorce with confidence and peace of mind. Register now and watch if for free!  Read more

Want to Beat the New Alimony Tax Law? Finalize Your Divorce By Year’s End

If you and your spouse have made the decision to divorce, but haven’t yet taken any legal steps yet to end your union, there’s one big reason why getting your divorce wrapped up this year is crucial. Read more

How To Know When It’s Time To Divorce


Divorce is one of the most important emotional and financial decisions anyone can make, so be sure you’re acting out of reason, not impulse.  How do you know when it’s time to pull the plug on your marriage? Here are 3 questions to help you decide. Read more

7 Steps to Having a Positive Divorce

It’s possible to have a positive divorce even when you’re angry with your spouse. The key is not to let your feelings dictate your behavior. Here are 7 steps to help you end your marriage in ways that lessen conflict and establish an amicable co-parenting relationship. Read more

Pets and Divorce: Who gets custody of the family dog?

It’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day, so what better time to answer one of the most commonly asked questions in divorce:

Who gets custody of the family pet? Read more

4 Ways To Help Your Marriage Survive Infidelity

surviving infidelity

If your marriage has been rocked by infidelity, you’re not alone. Recent infidelity statistics show that in 1/3 of all marriages, one or both partners have cheated. Wondering how to get your relationship back on track? Here are four ways to work through the trauma of betrayal and make your marriage stronger than ever. Read more

You Are Invited! New Second Saturday Divorce Workshop, Featuring Allison Holzman

Learn how to protect yourself in your divorce by joining Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC attorney Allison Holzman and other expert presenters for an all new Second Saturday divorce workshop on Thursday, June 21 at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park. Read more

7 Steps for Repairing Your Credit After Divorce 

Does part of preparing for your new post-divorce life require repairing or rebuilding your credit history?

Rehabbing a credit score is something that requires multiple smaller steps, and time — like most large tasks. But here’s some good news: while it’s often true that the path to good credit takes diligent effort, gaining traction is often not as difficult as it first appears.

You can get started right now by learning 7 steps to basic divorce credit repair. Read more

7 Steps To A “Good Divorce” When You Have Children

low-conflict co-parenting

When children are in the mix, a “good divorce” happens when two people make mindful choices to end their marriage and co-parent with as little conflict as possible. Want to give it a try? Here are 7 tips to help you disentangle yourself from your ex gracefully, setting the stage for a cooperative co-parenting relationship. Read more