3 Ways To Co-Parent With A Bullying Ex

bad parent behavior

Co-parenting with a bullying ex is all about conflict management. You’ll never turn your mean-spirited former spouse into a reasonable person, but you can learn ways to dial down the conflict and manage your own reactions. Read on to find out how. Read more

How To End A Miserable Marriage Without The Guilt

divorce closure

Stuck in a miserable marriage? Even if you have both agreed to divorce, you may still be plagued by guilt – especially if you have children. Divorce is hard enough without beating yourself up about it. Here are some steps for moving on from a bad marriage with your self-respect intact. Read more

Big Step For New Jersey Gestational Surrogacy Bill

surrogacy in nj

It’s all but certain that third time’s a charm for hopeful parents-to-be in New Jersey who wish to their baby via surrogacy and need to establish a legal gestational carrier agreement.

On April 12, 2018, the New Jersey Legislature passed a long-awaited bill to make written surrogacy agreements legal in the state, reversing a three-decade ban on gestational carrier agreements that followed in the wake of the controversial Baby M surrogacy case. In recent years, two other bills to legalize surrogacy contracts were both vetoed under former Governor Christie. It’s expected that Governor Phil Murphy will approve the current gestational carrier legislation.

As more and more couples are turning to surrogacy as an option to grow their families, especially given the rise of same-sex couples interested in surrogacy as a path to parenthood, proponents of the bill say the time has come to legalize these agreements.

Here’s a closer look at the gestational carrier bill and what parents and surrogates can expect with from the new law.  Read more

5 Unreasonable Behaviors That Mean Divorce Is In The Cards

deciding to divorce

Recognizing that your behaviors directly impact your spouse – and adjusting them when need be – is essential for a successful marriage. Want to ensure that your relationship is on the right track? Read on to learn what surefire marriage-enders you need to stop doing right now! Read more

Divorce Shame: I’m The Only One In My Family Who’s Divorced

Are you the first person in your family or group of friends to get divorced? If so, you may feel judged, criticized, and misunderstood. Even if your loved ones are supportive, you may feel that there’s something wrong with you because you’re “the only one.” Don’t get derailed by divorce shame! Read on to learn how stay-at-home mom Veronica let go of her false belief that getting divorce made her defective. Read more

My Daughter’s Ex Is A Narcissist — How Do I Help? (Part II)

high conflict ex

In Part I, Angela, the mother of an adult daughter divorcing a narcissist, educated herself on high-conflict personalities to learn how they think and why they create so much drama. In Part II, she sees a specialist to learn how to help her daughter manage her narcissistic ex. Read more

My Daughter Is Divorcing a Narcissist — How Do I Help? (Part I)

covert narcissist

If your adult child is going through a divorce with a high-conflict ex, you’re probably feeling their pain – and your own. You may feel angry or betrayed by your former in-law’s behavior. You may worry that your grown child isn’t making the best legal decisions. And if you have grandchildren, you’re no doubt concerned about how they’ll cope.

How can you support your adult child while respecting his or her right to make their own choices? Read on to learn how Angela helped her daughter deal with her narcissistic ex. Read more

5 Reasons Why Millennials Are Saying Yes to a Prenup Before They Say ‘I Do’  

As millennials prepare to march down the aisle this wedding season, there are new and compelling reasons why so many members of this digital generation are demanding a good old-fashioned prenuptial agreement as part of their wedding plans.  Read more

How Do I Manage My Anxiety Disorder During Divorce?

If you’re a worrier by nature, you may wonder how you’ll manage your anxiety during one of the most stressful events anyone could face: divorce. How will you survive financially? What if you and your ex can’t agree on custody? Will you be alone the rest of your life? Read on to learn how Alex, a 37-year-old health club owner, managed his anxiety disorder during divorce. Read more

I Want To Get Divorced But I’m Overwhelmed. Where Do I Start?

You’ve decided to end your marriage but feel paralyzed by the plethora of what seems like conflicting information. Plus, the emotional aspects of dividing assets and negotiating custody can make it hard to think clearly. Read on to learn how Robin, a 43-year-old nurse, did her research so she could proceed confidently with her divorce. Read more