Divorce Horror Story: When Two Narcissists Divorce

narcissist divorce

Because it’s part of their nature to become entrenched in polarized positions and view others a threat — narcissists  know how to make a good divorce go bad. And in situations where both spouses have narcissistic tendencies, divorce can go from bad to horrible for all involved, especially the narcissists’ children.

Let’s take a “worst case scenario” view of the dangers of a narcissist vs. narcissist divorce. Here’s Sterling and Savannah story. What could they do differently?  Read more

How To File For Divorce – Free Webinar

Common Personalities in High-Conflict Divorce: Tips from a Lawyer’s Perspective

high conflict divorce

In part 2 of our high-conflict divorce blog series, we continue our look at difficult divorces and how to cope with a problematic ex. Is a high-conflict spouse at risk for derailing your divorce? Here’s a lawyer’s perspective on how to keep problematic personalities in check.

Find Part 1 here: Common Personalities In High-Conflict Divorce (And How To Handle Them). Read more

How New 401(k) Limits Could Affect Your Divorce

401k and divorce

During divorce, important decisions must be made about the distribution of martial retirement assets, including 401(k) accounts. Beginning in 2018, a new IRS tax rule on 401(k) contributions could have an impact on divorce asset division and other income-related aspects of divorce. Here’s what you need to know. Read more

Common Personalities In High-Conflict Divorce (And How To Handle Them)

high conflict ex

Certain personality types fuel acrimonious divorces. Because high-conflict people thrive on drama, it only takes one to turn divorce into a war zone. Does this sound like your former spouse? Read on for tips on how to cope with an antagonistic ex. Read more

What’s the Difference Between a Temporary and a Final Restraining Order?

final restraining order

You may be familiar with the term “restraining order” as a remedy of protection for victims of domestic violence. But what’s the difference between a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and a Final Restraining Order in New Jersey (FRO)? Let’s take a look. Read more

27 Top Tips For Staying Happily Married

tips for a happy marriage

Although Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is here to guide clients through divorce, we would prefer that you stay happily married! Here are 27 top tips to help you remain together from this day forward… Read more

How To Communicate When You’re Divorcing a Covert Narcissist

covert narcissist

Note: This is part 2 of our 2-part series on covert narcissism. Find part 1 here: How to Spot a Covert Narcissist.

Unfortunately, covert narcissists don’t see that their self-absorbed, unreasonable behavior makes good communication almost impossible. You will forever be banging your head against the wall if you try to “talk sense” into your covert narcissist spouse or try to get him or her to see your point-of-view. So what can you do to cope with a communication-heavy process like divorce or co-parentingRead more

Is Your Ex A Covert Narcissist?

covert narcissist


Note: This is part 1 of our 2-part series on covert narcissism. Find part 2 here: How To Communicate When You’re Divorcing a Covert Narcissist.

Are you feeling manipulated by your fragile, low-functioning ex? Do you often feel off balance, wondering what you did to upset your former spouse – who always appears to be offended by something? Especially you?

You might be surprised to learn that this delicate, introverted person may act the way he or she does because they suffer from grandiosity. While they come across as insecure and vulnerable, Covert Narcissists (CNs) have the same sense of entitlement as Overt Narcissists (ONs); it’s just that their blend of narcissism “looks” different.

Wondering if your ex fits the bill? Read these 7 classic signs of a covert narcissist to find out. Read more

3 Ways To Recognize Financial Abuse



Like any form of domestic violence between spouses or partners, the effects of financial abuse can be devastating. Are you experiencing financial or economic abuse by your partner or spouse? Here’s how to tell — and how to get help.  Read more