Alternatives for Domestic Violence Offers DV Counseling Program For Korean Community

Help for Domestic Violence in the Korean CommunityDomestic violence can affect people of all backgrounds and walks of life. But in New Jersey’s Korean community, spousal or partner abuse is of special concern as language barriers and cultural norms may prevent victims for reaching out for the protection they need. What can be done to better support the Korean community? Here’s how Alternatives for Domestic Violence, a long-standing Bergen County domestic violence organization, is stepping up to help. Read more

Announcing Our New Union County Divorce & Family Law Offices

union county divorce and family law attorneysWe are pleased to announce the opening of our new divorce and family law offices in Union County! Centrally located in Cranford, our new offices are now open and accepting clients. Read more

The Problem With Being Too Nice In Your Divorce

are you being too nice in your divorce? While everyone should strive to have an amicable divorce, being too “nice” can lead people to make bad decisions. For some, being nice isn’t truly about generosity or fairness; it stems from a desire to avoid conflict, or to ameliorate guilt.

Does this sound like you? Whether you are by nature a people pleaser, or you want to make up for some bad behavior, or you simply want to fast-forward to your post-divorce life, it’s imperative that you think through the ramifications of any decision you’re considering during the divorce process. Failure to do so could result in irreversible long-term consequences that can hurt you and your children. Let’s take a look at some of the divorce pitfalls that occur when people make the mistake of being too “nice.” Read more

Helping Your Relationship Survive Pre-Wedding Madness

weddingIs your wedding putting you at risk for…divorce? As research shows, the decisions you make leading up to your wedding day can have a bigger impact on your marriage than you might think. For example, couples who indulge on pricey nuptials are more likely to see their marriage end in divorce: specifically, couples that spend $20,000 or more on their wedding are 3.5 times more likely to split up than those who spend less than half that amount.

Could a lower budget wedding be the key to marital bliss? And what other pre-wedding pitfalls should you watch out for? If you’re planning a wedding, read on to learn what you can do to make your Big Day what it’s supposed to be: the active commitment to a meaningful life partnership. Read more

Borderline Personality Disorder and Divorce: How To Create Stability For Kids

borderline personality disorderIf you need to co-parent with a former spouse who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), it can be challenging — and exhausting. If you know or strongly suspect your ex or STBX struggles with BPD, read on to learn how you can create post-divorce stability for you and your children. Read more

How Does New Jersey’s Child Support Termination Law Impact You?

Effective February 1, 2017, a new child support law significantly changes how long, and under what circumstances, parents in New Jersey are obligated to pay support once their child has entered adulthood.

Do you have a child nearing the newly established child support cut-off age of 19? Our easy-to-follow slide presentation has important information you need to know: Read more

Why Bashing Your Ex Is Bad For Your Children…And How To Stop Yourself

divorce-parentingWonder what children of divorce hate more than almost anything? Hearing their parents bad-mouth each other. Ex-bashing is such a common problem among divorced couples, in fact, that warnings against it are written into standard custody orders. Here’s a boilerplate excerpt used in New Jersey:  “Neither parent shall do anything which may estrange the other from their children, ignore the opinion of the children, injure the opinion of the children to the other parent or hamper the free and natural development of the love of the children for the other parent.”

Despite knowing they shouldn’t speak ill of their ex, many people continue to do so, often in earshot of their children. Let’s take a deeper look at the reasons why ex-bashing hurts kids and explore ways to stop yourself — before you say something your children won’t forget. Read more

What Does New Jersey’s New Child Support Termination Law Mean For You?

nj-child-support-age-cut-offIn New Jersey, a new child support termination statute goes into effect on February 1, 2017. The new law dramatically impacts when and how child support orders issued in the state come to an end. Are you a parent who pays child support, or are you the parent who receives it? Here’s what to expect. Read more

Pay Child Support? Here’s How New Jersey’s New Child Support Termination Law Affects You

child-support-lawsEffective February 1, 2017, New Jersey’s new emancipation statute will dramatically impact when and how child support orders terminate. Have a child nearing the newly established child support cut-off age of 19? Find out what this new law means for your obligation to pay. Read more

High Conflict Divorce: 5 Tips For Gaining Peace of Mind With a Controlling Ex

controlling exTrapped in a high conflict divorce with  an intrusive ex-spouse who thinks you can do nothing right? Are their attempts to manage the way you spend child support or parent the kids making you feel like you’re living in a dictatorship? Read on to learn more about controlling exes and what you can do to regain peace of mind. Read more