My Ex is Lying to Get Child Custody!

defending against false child custody accusationsHow far would you go to make sure you get child custody? Some parents make the very dangerous decision to lie or exaggerate as a way to paint the other parent as “unfit” and enhance their own standing in the eyes of the judge…with a greater custody share as the hoped for result. Is your ex lying and making false accusations against you? Here’s how to protect yourself. Read more

When Does Child Support End in New Jersey?

new child support lawPaying child support for your older teen or college-age child, and wonder when your obligation will end? Find out what New Jersey’s new child support age cutoff law, taking effect in February 2017, could mean for you. Read more

Stepchild Adoption in New Jersey

stepparent and stepchildMarriage in New Jersey does not always mean that you are gaining just a spouse — you could be gaining your spouse’s kids as well! For many reasons, your stepchild or stepchildren’s other biological parent may not be a part of their lives, and as a result, you have, for all intents and purposes, stepped into the shoes of being their full-blown parent, sharing all the responsibilities with your spouse. As time goes on, you may think about formally adopting your step-kids. How can you make this happen? Read more

New Adoption Rules Go into Effect in January

new jersey adoption rulesStarting in January, adults born in New Jersey and adopted as children will be able to obtain an uncertified, long-form copy of their original birth certificate from the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics and Registry (the State Registrar). Their adoptive parents; legal guardians or other legal representatives; adult direct descendants, siblings and spouses; and state and federal agencies with official reasons, can also gain access to certificates. What does this mean for you if you are adopted, or an adoptive parent? Read more

President Donald J. Trump: What Does This Mean for Gay Marriage & LGBTQ Adoption?

lgbtq marriage and parenting rightsWith Donald Trump’s surprise win in yesterday’s presidential election now sinking in, many in the LGBTQ community are asking: what does a Trump presidency mean for our rights? Given the fierce battle that has been waged in recent years to bring marriage equality to the United States, let’s take a look at the possibilities for what a Trump presidency could mean for key marriage and family issues for the gay community. Read more

Are Couples Still Consciously Uncoupling?

conscious uncoupling

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It was a few years ago that the majority of us first heard the term “conscious uncoupling” in relation to the separation and eventual divorce of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. They had vowed to utilize this method to end their relationship and move forward, in a more peaceful and healthy manner. Are people still utilizing this method today? Has it proven successful? And for the yet uninitiated, what exactly is conscious uncoupling? Read more

When is the Best Time to File For Divorce?

best time to file for divorceWhen you have tried to make the marriage work but you have, sadly, decided to go your separate ways, you need to focus on the future. A question we are asked a lot is when is the best time to file for divorce? After the holidays? Before the end of the tax year? Are there reasons for waiting and filing strategically? The simple answer is, yes. Here are key factors to consider as you determine what’s best for your unique situation. Read more

TRO To FRO: Making A Temporary Restraining Order Final

Temporary Restraining OrderIf you have found yourself in an abusive relationship and you are ready to obtain a restraining order against your abuser, you have made a smart and brave decision. The New Jersey court system stands ready to assist people in domestic violence situations when they are ready to move forward and obtain protections for themselves and their families. What does this process entail? And how do you go from a temporary restraining order to a final one? Read more

3 Common Divorce Pitfalls And How to Avoid Them

divorce mistakes to avoid

The divorce process can be time consuming, draining and expensive if you let it get out of hand. And, if you and your soon-to-be ex have children, the stakes become even higher and the battles can become longer, angrier and even more costly — both financially and psychologically. On top of that, the procedures and laws that govern how and when to navigate through the family court can be confusing and frustrating. So, how can you avoid this being an even more difficult time? Avoid these common pitfalls in order to get yourself and keep yourself on track. Read more

Can You Ask for Palimony When Your Partner is Dead?


Obtaining an award of palimony in New Jersey has become more difficult over the last few years. Palimony — a one-time financial award for a former intimate partner that never married — can only be granted in the Garden State if there is a written promise to pay it, if the palimony agreement dates from 2010. Palimony agreements pre-dating 2010 that are oral/verbal in nature may still be considered valid. Given these different standards, it’s not uncommon for former partners to end up in court when a palimony agreement is contested. But what about recouping palimony after your partner dies? Read more