Asset Division: Should Ex-Spouse Share in $2.5M Job Bonus After Brief Marriage?

asset division & work bonus

An ex-wife in a brief 14-month marriage is demanding a share of the $2.5 million work bonus paid to her ex-husband. Job or work bonuses are often subject to division in divorce, but what makes this former spouse’s claim unique is that she is asking for an award based on the length of their marriage and the time prior to that when she and her husband dated and cohabited.

Two lower courts have said “no” to her request, affirming that equitable distribution of any property, including salary bonuses, should be based upon the length of the actual marriage only. The ex-wife was awarded 30K by the courts as an amount commensurate with the short duration of her marriage. However, she believes that she is entitled to approximately $200,000 and has appealed these prior rulings to the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Does she have a case?

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Reconciling Your Marriage After Sex Addiction

Is your spouse a sex addict?Is there life — and marriage — after one partner recovers from sex addiction? While the healing process may understandably difficult for couples seeking to put their marriage back together, one legal option — a reconciliation agreement — may give you both the security you need to start moving forward. Read more

Chris Rock Divorce: Psychological Parent Theory in New Jersey

Chris Rock

Image copyright Arp,

Does Chris Rock owe child support for a child from South Africa he and his now ex-wife welcomed into their family while they were married, but never adopted? Read more

Palimony: Even If He Promised You the Moon…Get it in Writing!

questions about palimony?To be or not to be…many couples today are opting to not be married, but still maintain close, monogamous relationships, even with children. The somewhat antiquated notion that couples have to be legally married in order to legitimize their relationship has largely gone by the wayside in our more modern society. But what if you have decided to give up your career, have children and become a stay-at-home parent at the request of and with the full support of your significant other? If you two separate, will your ex be obligated to financially support you? Can you divide assets? Read more

Benefits Of Mediation For Child Custody Matters: Expert Q&A With Diane Lang

As a parent, you want what’s best for your kids. But how does this translate in real terms when you’re getting a divorce? Bari Weinberger recently spoke with certified psychotherapist Diane Lang to discuss the consequences of divorce battles for kids and how divorcing parents can emotionally protect children using mediation, a low conflict method for deciding child custody. Is mediation right for you? In the following Q&A, Diane shares her perspective as a therapist. Read more

LGBT Divorce, Marriage & Family Law Information

Are you in a same sex couple and getting married or divorced? Separating after being in a civil union or domestic partnership? Want to understand what happens about property division, alimony or child custody matters? Then you must check out our latest presentation on LGBT divorce and family law: Read more

What You May Not Know About Divorce In New Jersey

filing for divorce in new jersey

Thinking about divorce is an emotionally confusing time in anyone’s life. Now, you are contemplating filing for divorce and are facing weeding through the somewhat complex laws that govern divorce in the Garden State. There is a lot of misinformation out there, to be sure. Here are a few things you may not know about divorce in New Jersey: Read more

Divorce PTSD And How To Treat It

Post Traumatic Stress DisorderMany people don’t realize that the financial and psychological stress of a bad divorce, especially if it’s ongoing, can cause PTSD. Read more

What You May Not Know About Prenuptial Agreements In New Jersey

do you need a prenuptial agreement?Wedding bells will ring for many couples in New Jersey over the next few months, meaning that ’tis the season for spouses-to-be to start planning their future…including whether or not they need a prenuptial agreement! Read more

Recognizing The Signs of Intimate Partner Violence

Get help for domestic violence and intimate partner violenceAlthough we like to think we live in a more enlightened age, unfortunately, when it comes to intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence, we, as a society, still have a long way to go. According to the Association of American Family Physicians, in the United States, approximately 1.5 million women and 834,700 men annually are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner. Women are more likely than men to be injured, sexually assaulted, or murdered by an intimate partner. Studies suggest that one in four women is at lifetime risk.

To remedy these tragic statistics, education is key, as is awareness of the many faces of intimate partner violence. Not all forms are intimate partner violence (IPV) are easy to recognize because IPV is not always physical violence; IPV can also be threats, intimidation or harassment, and more. Read more