Getting a divorce in New Jersey in 2023? If you decide on court litigation to resolve your issues, be prepared that your divorce could take a very long time to proceed.
The reason why: New Jersey’s judicial shortage crisis has created an overburdened court system and unprecedented case backlog in the family courts. According to the latest statistics from the New Jersey Judiciary, 4600 divorce cases are currently stuck in limbo. Under current conditions, if you are waiting for your “day in court,” that day could take a very long time to arrive.
However, there is some good news in this, which is that fast-tracking your divorce can still be a reality. As our firm’s founder Bari Weinberger wrote in her new article for the New Jersey Law Journal, Divorce in 2023: What NJ Spouses Need to Consider, pursuing out-of-court settlement methods can sidestep the backlog and keep your divorce moving towards a swift and satisfying resolution.
If your goal is to divorce with speed, here are some smart choices you can make to still reach this goal. Read more