You’re Invited To Family Law Tuesday!


On the first Tuesday of each month on our Facebook page, we host Family Law Tuesday, our live Q&A chat to answer questions you have related to divorce, child custody, child and spousal support, prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements, asset division and more. Please join us! Our next Family Law Tuesday is scheduled for August 5 from 8-9 pm. You can ask your question live, or send us a private message with it anytime (we’ll post our answer during the hour). Read more

Can An Adult Child With Power Of Attorney Handle An Elderly Parent’s Divorce?

iStock_000006889407Small Many grown ups in their 40s and 50s are part of the so-called “sandwich generation,” a growing group of adults who find themselves stuck in the middle caring for their own children and for the needs of their aging parents. These adult children might find themselves tasked with duties ranging from bringing their elderly parent to doctor’s appointments to serving as Power of Attorney over their parent’s financial affairs. But what happens in the event an older parent decides to divorce? A recent Ocean County NJ Superior Court ruling helps to clarify just how involved adult children can be in divorce proceedings, regardless of whether the adult child holds Power of Attorney (POA).    Read more

Judge Delays Adds to Essex County Court Backlog

Governor Christie’s decision last week to withdraw eight New Jersey Superior Court nominees in Essex County has created another delay in filling the 22 vacancies in New Jersey’s busiest vicinage. It is unclear as to what will happen now in terms of whether the governor will resubmit the judicial nominations at some later point or if he will decide to submit all new recommendations for the jobs in time for the Legislature’s fall session. Read more

Job Discrimination For Divorced Workers in New Jersey Ruled Illegal

iStock_000014441624SmallA New Jersey appeals court on Friday ruled that the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination’s ban against discrimination based on “marital status” applies to people who are going through a divorce. Read more

Assembly Committee Approves New Jersey Alimony Reform Bill

On Thursday, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee issued a unanimous recommendation to pass legislation fundamentally changing the way alimony is awarded in most New Jersey divorces.
Read more

Keep Your Divorce Offline: Social Media Postnups and Prenups

_1__FacebookPrenuptial agreements can pre-decide matters such as who keeps the house in the event of a divorce, but did you also know that prenuptial agreements can spell out the somewhat stickier issue of what you and your spouse can say about each other on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites? Read more

WLG’s Raquel Vallejo Appears on CNN en Español

111102125227-cnnee-logo-story-topWeinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC’s Raquel Vallejo appeared live on CNN en Español earlier this month, serving as a legal expert on the show, Realidades en Contexto con Mercedes Soler. Read more

You Are Invited! WLG Announces “Family Law Tuesday” Facebook Q&A


Have a question about divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, marital assets, prenuptial agreements, or any other family law-related matter? On the first Tuesday of each month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC invites you to attend Family Law Tuesday, a live Q&A session hosted on our WLG Facebook page. Read more

8 Common Items Found In Prenuptial Agreements

iStock_000017213521SmallWelcome to our new monthly blog series! Just in time for wedding season, throughout the month we’re taking a look at some of the legal issues engaged and recently married couples commonly encounter. Please check back each week for special themed blogs featuring our latest tips and advice for boosting your marital savvy! 

When prenuptial agreements make the news, it’s usually because of some celebrity or high profile split in which millions or even billions are at stake in a divorce, or because of the agreement’s outlandish terms, such as the “prenup” that made headlines recently for including rules about how much weight a wife could gain during marriage.

However, despite these super-sized agreements and/or strange conditions, in reality, the majority of couples who pursue a New Jersey prenuptial agreement before marriage put in place practical items that address their current financial status, how they would like their future finances to be handled after they are married, and issues related to other assets and debts each will bring into the marriage.

What does this look like on a piece of paper? Here are five common items that couples request in their New Jersey prenuptial agreements: Read more

Your Wedding Day: Are You Ready For The Legal Changes Marriage Brings?

Couple holding hands

Throughout the month of May, we will be posting a special blog series on marriage-related legal issues, including prenuptial agreements, reconciliation agreements, and more. Please check back each week for tips and advice that can help you boost your marital savvy!

With the spring and summer New Jersey wedding season about to begin, many engaged couples are spending the next few weeks and months busily preparing for the big day. If you’re getting married anytime soon, in addition to things like finalizing invitation lists and reception menus, you may be wondering what you should be doing right now to get ready for the realities of marriage, including the legal changes that take place after you both say “I do.” Read more