Serving Legal Papers In Divorce And Custody Matters — How To Keep It Private
Earlier this week, actress and director Olivia Wilde was center stage introducing her new film at CinemaCon when an audience member approached and slid a manilla envelope towards her, mysteriously labeled “personal and confidential.” Wilde glanced at the papers but kept mum about their contents, leading media in attendance to speculate the envelope contained an unsolicited script or perhaps a fan letter to Wilde’s boyfriend, Harry Styles. A few hours later, however, the truth was revealed: In the middle of a very high profile career-related moment, Wilde had been served with legal papers related to a child custody matter by ex-husband Jason Sudeikis.
Was this serving of legal papers in such a public way avoidable? If you’re about to serve, or be served papers, in your divorce or family law matters, it is important to know what your options are, and how to ensure speedy — and discrete — delivery. Read more