High-Conflict Divorce: How And When To Stand Your Ground

Divorce from a high-conflict personality is grueling. A hostile ex can create so much chaos that you end up reacting, and unwittingly creating more drama. This pattern can continue for years and drain you financially and emotionally. The following tips can help you know what battles to forfeit, and when to stand your ground. Read more

Summer 2021 is Back On — Are Your Parenting Time Plans Ready?

summer 2021 parenting time plan

For many families, favorite summertime activities like overnight camp and summer vacation plans didn’t happen last summer due to Covid-19. We’re in a very different place with the pandemic in 2021 and this summer in New Jersey could feel almost back to normal. (Hooray!)

If you changed your usual parenting time plans last summer due to Covid restrictions, it’s time to check these plans over and possibly revise them (in writing) to reflect your custody schedule and parenting plans for summer 2021.  Read more

Best Tips For Divorcing A Covert Narcissist

Unlike overt narcissists who are unabashedly self-aggrandizing, covert narcissists aren’t as easy to spot because their narcissistic traits are inverted, making them appear shy and unassuming. Despite the “poor me” routine, however, the covert narcissist is often more victimizer than victim. Read on to learn more about how they operate… Read more

What A Narcissist Abuser Will Do To Try To Win You Back

narcissist abuserDoes your relationship leave you feeling hurt and confused? Do you savor memories of the good times in order to block out the bad? If these patterns feel familiar, you may be with a narcissistic abuser. In order to leave a narcissist, you first need to understand the tactics they use to win you back. Read more

Mental Illness and Divorce: Kim and Kanye

Image copyright SharpShooter, Depositphoto.com

Mental illness is notoriously hard on relationships, and sadly, it may have played a role in the Kim Kardashian-Kanye West breakup. According to Page Six, after seven years of marriage and four children, Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce.  Read more

Kim Kardashian-West & Kanye West Divorce: Insight From a Family Law Expert

kim and kanye divorce

Image copyright PopularImages, Depositphoto.com

Following months of rumored marital problems and separate living arrangements, it was confirmed Friday that Kim Kardashian West has filed for divorce from husband Kanye West. Read more

New Start: Why Couples Often Divorce In January

January is divorce month

When a marriage has reached the point of being irretrievably broken, a common New Year’s resolution is to not waste another precious moment with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong. Actually, so many people begin the process of divorce in the New Year that January has earned the nickname of “Divorce Month.” The first Monday in January is called “Divorce Day” because of the sudden uptick in people searching for divorce help once the holidays have ended.

Resolutions aside, there are several other key reasons why many wait until the first month of the year to decide to move forward with divorce. Among these reasons… Read more

Divorcing A Narcissist Spouse: 10 Tips To Protect Yourself

divorcing a narcissist spouseNarcissists thrive on drama and chaos, so buckle up for a possibly bumpy ride in your divorce. Don’t despair, however. You can survive your split with your sanity intact by arming yourself with knowledge. Here are 10 tips to protect yourself when divorcing a narcissist spouse. Read more

Why Do Narcissists Drag Out Divorce?

why do narcissists drag out divorceWondering why your narcissist spouse insists on complicating and miring down your divorce at every turn? By definition, a narcissist lacks the ability to compromise and think about the best interests of others, including possibly their own children. But more complex reasons drive the narcissist’s tendency to drag out divorce. Reasons such as…  Read more

Gaslighting: How Narcissists Use It During Divorce

gaslighting in divorceDoes your divorce from a narcissist make you feel like you’re going crazy? Do you have a hard time trusting your judgment and perceptions? If so, you may have fallen prey to the narcissist’s favorite weapon: gaslighting. Read more