How To Get More Parenting Time with Your Kids Over The Summer

how to get more parenting time with your children over the summerSummer vacation is in full swing, and as a co-parent, you might be wondering how to use this relaxed time of year to spend more time with your children. Is getting more parenting time a realistic goal, especially when it’s a bit on the fly?

For most co-parents, the answer is yes. Try these simple strategies to make a temporary adjustment to your summertime parenting plan and squeeze in more sun and fun with your kids. Read more

Freezing Embryos Before Marriage: It’s A New Trend, But What If The Relationship Ends?

Freezing Embryos Before Marriage

In today’s modern world, instead of saying “I do” to marriage, many dating couples are first saying yes to IVF. As highlighted in a recent piece in The Cut, the newest trend among unmarried couples is making frozen embryos as a sign of their commitment to a future life together.

As the article’s title, “The Exes Who Froze Embryos and Regret It,” gives away, however, the one big catch to freezing embryos with a dating partner is figuring out what happens to frozen embryos should the couple’s relationship reach the end of the road before they can be used.

The big problem: What if one former partner wishes to still use the frozen embryos in the future over the other’s objection? Read more

New Law Expands Access To Infertility Insurance Coverage in New Jersey

New law expands infertility insurance coverage in New JerseyAnyone who has experienced infertility knows the anguish it can bring. Treatments are expensive, and health insurance does not cover everything. This is especially true for single people and LGBTQIA+ couples eager to start their families. A new law, signed by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on January 12, 2024, provides some relief by expanding insurance coverage for infertility services and embracing broader access to services. Read more

Does a Parent Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Retain Parental Rights in New Jersey?

termination of parental rights after child abuse

If a parent is charged and convicted with child abuse or child sexual abuse, what happens to their parental rights? Should child abusers have parental rights automatically terminated? A recent abuse case sounds the alarm that flaws and loopholes in this area of family law may be putting children in harm’s way. Read more

Determing A Child’s Country Of Residence In International Custody Disputes

Since UK actress Sophie Turner and American pop star Joe Jonas announced their divorce earlier this month, the pair have become embroiled in an international child custody dispute, spurred by Turner filing a court petition requesting the immediate return of the couple’s two young children to their home in England.   Read more

How Does Breastfeeding Factor Into Custody Decisions?

breastfeeding and custodyA judge in a Virginia custody dispute has ordered a mother to change her feeding style of her 6-month-old infant, siding with the father’s claim that breastfeeding “on demand” was disrupting his parenting time with the child. The mother is disputing the ruling, claiming that “breast is best” for infant nutrition.

Should nursing an infant be exception to parenting time enforcement rules?  Read more

How To Co-Parent Through Your First Holiday Season After Divorce

holiday parenting time

No matter what you and your ex disagree on in your divorce, you are likely both in agreement that you want a happy, fun-filled holiday season for your children. Navigating through your first holidays since your split can test your co-parenting savvy, but with a few extra steps this season can be as merry and bright as ever. Use these dos and don’ts for no-stress holiday co-parenting. Read more

Prep Your Child Support & Custody Agreements For Back-To-School

child support school costs

The new school year is almost here, and for divorced parents that means an extra layer of planning beyond the usual checklist of pencils, notebooks and a new lunchbox. Are your co-parenting arrangements back-to-school ready or are changes required to better suit your child’s needs? Here are some tips for how to review child custody and child support agreements for the school year ahead. Read more

Can cannabis use affect your parenting and custody rights? 

cannabis custodyIn New Jersey it’s now legal for adults 21 or older to buy recreational cannabis products. However just because “legal weed” exists in 2022 doesn’t mean that using marijuana is free from legal ramifications. Do you or your former spouse use marijuana? Then you need to know how it could impact your parental rights and child custody arrangements. Read more

Kim And Kanye Battle Over Daughter’s TikTok Account — Which Co-Parent Should Prevail?

Kim Kanye Social Media Custody dispute

Image copyright everett225,

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are no strangers to the social media spotlight. But when it comes to their children’s use of social media, the two have become locked in a nasty standoff. The crux of it: Kim has allowed 8-year-old daughter North to post on Tik Tok through an account she and North run together. Kanye is vehemently opposed to his daughter using the popular video sharing app, venting in an all caps Instagram post that tagged Kim:


Kim responded to Kanye’s public criticism in a statement of her own, posted in her Instagram stories:

Kanye’s constant attacks on me in interviews and on social media is actually more hurtful than any TikTok North might create. As the parent who is the main provider and caregiver for our children, I am doing my best to protect our daughter while also allowing her to express her creativity in the medium that she wishes with adult supervision—because it brings her happiness. Divorce is difficult enough on our children and Kanye’s obsession with trying to control and manipulate our situation so negatively and publicly is only causing further pain for all. From the beginning I have wanted nothing but a healthy and supportive co-parenting relationship because it is what is best for our children and it saddens me that Kanye continues to make it impossible every step of the way.

I wish to handle all matters regarding our children privately and hopefully he can finally respond to the third attorney he has had in the last year to resolve any issues amicably.

Which co-parent should have the final say in whether or not their minor child can use TikTok? For answers, let’s look at legal rights around children’s social media use that can help Kim, Kanye and other battling co-parents find workable solutions. Read more