Parenting With A High-Conflict Ex: 10 Strategies For Success

Parenting with a high-conflict ex can be crazy-making , but there are steps you can take to keep yourself sane so you can be the best parent you can be. Here are 10 strategies for success: Read more

Parental Alienation: Is Your Ex Turning Your Kids Against You?

is your ex turning your kids against you?

Parental Alienation is every divorced parent’s nightmare. Could your ex be successful in turning your kids against you? And what would you do if this worse case scenario actually happens? While you can’t control what your ex (or anyone else) does, you can be proactive by addressing the problem directly, and minimizing the damage. Here’s how: Read more

The Time To Plan Your 2020 Holiday Parenting Time Schedule Is Right Now! 

Madonna and her ex-husband Guy Ritchie appear to have experienced something this December that many co-parents know all too well: a big disagreement over holiday parenting time. 

According to news reports, the former couple’s custody clash ended up in court on December 23 when an emergency hearing took place. It’s speculated that a judge was called in to enforce orders allowing their sons to spend Christmas with Ritchie in England. 

Celebrity news aside, are you and your children’s co-parent experiencing your own tensions over holiday parenting time schedules? Did this year’s Christmas or Hanukkah arrangements leave you feeling like you need more time with your kids? Are you in the midst of getting a divorce and want to know how to prevent holiday parenting time turmoil? 

Here is an important tip: You don’t need to wait until it’s hours before the holiday to get your plan in place. In fact, the best time to start planning your 2020 holiday parenting schedule is right now! 

Here are three tips to get you started:  Read more

How To Hire A Gestational Surrogate: A Step-By-Step Guide

how to hire a gestational surrogate

Thinking of building a family via gestational surrogacy? Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you start successfully navigating this complex process.

Note: our steps refer to the process of gestational surrogacy and hiring a gestational surrogate. Gestational surrogacy involves the process of transferring a fertilized embryo to the surrogate (also know as a gestational carrier). The surrogate’s own eggs are not used. This is the surrogacy process that is legal under New Jersey law.

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Is Gestational Surrogacy Right For Your Family?

gestational surrogacy

For many people who wish to become parents, gestational surrogacy may be one of the best options for starting a family. In order to decide if the process is right for you, it’s important to consider all the ways surrogacy will affect you. First, make sure you know the basics. Read more

5 Things To Know Before Moving Ahead With Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy
Thinking about becoming a family via gestational carrier? Surrogacy can be a wonderful way for many couples and individuals to become parents. Surrogacy, however, also represents a complex legal process, so it’s crucial to educate yourself before moving ahead. Here are five things you need to know: Read more

Should “Not Established” Finding In Child Welfare Investigations Be Abolished?

not established child welfare investigations

Should certain outcomes of child welfare investigations be abolished to protect the rights of parents and caregivers? The New Jersey State Bar Association took up this issue recently in a case examining the constitutionality of New Jersey’s child welfare laws. On the Association’s behalf, attorneys argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court that findings of “not established” following an investigation of abuse or neglect should be abolished.  Read more

FAQ: How are a child’s college expenses split in a divorce?

college tuition divorce
Even if your children are young, college cost sharing is an item that needs to be addressed in your divorce settlement. What do you need to know about splitting college tuition? Here are some points to consider.

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5 Ways To Help Your Adult Child During Their Divorce

adult child divorce

Are you worried how your adult child is handling their divorce, or how they’ll fare after? Scared about the impact all this will have on your grandchildren? No matter how old your children are, you never get over the impulse to take care of them. Here are some constructive ways to help your adult child during divorce. Read more

Can I be charged with parental kidnapping if I keep my child beyond my parenting time?

From time to time, we answer common questions we get about divorce, custody, assets and other family law issues. Today’s question is about child custody and understanding what constitutes parental kidnapping. 


My ex kept my daughter when it supposed to be my parenting time last weekend. My daughter is with me now for parenting time, so I texted my ex saying I will keep her for a few more days to make up for the time lost. My ex replied that if I do this, she will call the cops and say I kidnapped our child. Does she have the legal right to do this? Read more