4 Tips For Explaining Your Divorce To Your Kids

explaining divorce to kids

Telling your kids you’re getting a divorce is one of the toughest conversations anyone could have. How do explain to your children why you’re permanently altering their family structure? And how do you assure them that you’ll all get through it, especially when you’re feeling vulnerable? 

While there’s no easy way to break the news about your divorce, there are some guidelines to help you explain your divorce in the most child-friendly way possible. Read more

How To Dial Down The Heat On Your High-Conflict Co-Parenting Relationship


Do you secretly dream of the day when your kids become adults so you no longer have to communicate with your ex? High-conflict co-parenting can be exhausting and can drain the enjoyment from raising children. Although you can’t change your ex, you can adopt strategies to change the way you relate to this person. Here are some tips for dialing down the heat on your contentious co-parenting relationship. Read more

Why You Should Try To Co-Parent With Your Ex

co-parenting with your ex

Do you find yourself critical of your ex’s parenting? Bemoan the fact that you can’t banish your former spouse from your life, because of your kids? If you let your opinions and emotions rule, you won’t be able to have an effective co-parenting relationship. Here are three reasons why you need one. Read more

Can student loans be required to reduce parental college tuition obligations? 

When parents agree to share college costs as part of their divorce settlement, it can be at a time when their children are younger and college is still in the far-off future. 

But time marches on, and someday those same young children will be young adults getting ready for the next big step in life. As your child decides on which college or university to attend, it is time to look back at those college cost sharing agreements. Does your agreement obligate you to pay 20%, 50%, 80%, or even all of your child’s tuition? Read more

High Net Worth Divorce: How Much Should Wealthy Parents Pay in Child Support?

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How is child support calculated when you are a high net worth parent? What happens when parents disagree about the amount of support to be paid? And how do you keep contentious divorce matters like child support disputes private and away from prying eyes? Read more

Preparing Your Kids For Your Second Marriage

preparing kids for second marriage

If you’re getting remarried, you may worry that your kids will have a hard time adjusting to your new spouse and step-siblings. To protect your children both emotionally and financially, it’s important to establish clear boundaries and expectations. Here are five steps to help you do that. Read more

FREE Webinar: Overcoming Parental Alienation & Reconnecting With Your Kids

parental alienation

Has your coparent turned your child against you? Is your child refusing to see you because of what your ex has said? Parental alienation can have both devastating and lasting effects on parent-child relationships — but there are steps for repairing the damage that you can begin to take today. Read more

How To Tell Your Adult Children About Your Divorce

Telling your kids you’re getting divorced is never easy — even when they’re adults.

Adult children, including those who are married themselves, can experience every bit the same emotional reaction to news of their parents’ divorce as a much younger child might. Parental divorce

can produce feelings of abandonment, sadness, anger, and be a trigger for adult children to question what was real in their childhood, even if your marital problems didn’t exist at the time.

Parents of younger children are advised to spend time planning the ideal way to talk about divorce with their children — but this same advice goes for divorcing parents of adult children. Preparing to break the news about your divorce? Here are some tips for how to discuss divorce with your adult children in a way that can help you all make a more positive adjustment. Read more

How New Jersey’s New Gestational Carrier Law Works: 4 Case Studies


Are you considering surrogacy as a way to start or expand your family?

In New Jersey, a recently passed law reverses the state’s decades-old ban on gestational carrier agreements, put in place in the aftermath of the infamous Baby M case. The new law outlines rules both intended parents and surrogates must follow for the contract to be considered valid.

Provisions of the new law includes: Read more

5 Steps For Talking to Your Kids About Divorce

Not sure how to tell your kids that you’re getting a divorce? While it’s not a conversation anyone wants to have, following certain guidelines will help you break the news as gently and effectively as possible. Read more