How To Handle Your Child’s First Post-Divorce Birthday Party

co-parenting post-divorce birthday party

Your child’s first post-divorce birthday can be an emotional experience for the whole family. Whether you and your ex co-host the party or plan separate events, the occasion often stirs up grief and other difficult feelings that life didn’t go the way anyone planned. No matter how you feel about your ex, you must put your grievances aside to help your child celebrate their important day. Here are some guidelines for successfully navigating this emotional minefield. Read more

Can My Ex Stop Me From Moving Out of New Jersey With My Kids?

Relocation out of New Jersey to a new state with children has been talked about more these days, since the newest court decision on relocation was released earlier this summer. Now, because of the court’s decision in Bisbing, it’s gotten a bit harder for parents with custody of their child to leave New Jersey for a new state or a new country.

Parents are now left wondering if their ex can actually stop a move out of New Jersey with the kids, especially if there is no formal custody order in place and the parents have just worked out their own arrangements between them. So, what happens if one parent wants to relocate without the permission of the other parent?  Read more

What To Do When Your Child Blames You For Your Divorce

child blaming parent for divorce

Do your kids blame you for your divorce — even if you’re not the one who initiated it? Here’s how everyone can gain a new perspective.  Read more

Moving With Kids: Can Your Child’s Other Parent Stop Your Relocation Plans?

relocation with child out of state

Before you call the movers, find out why it’s now more difficult for divorced parents to relocate from New Jersey with their kids, thanks to a new court ruling that forces parents to prove that out of state long-distance moves are truly in children’s “best interests.”  Read more

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Parenting Time: What To Do When Your Kids Refuse To Go To Your Ex’s House

refusal to follow parenting time plan

Are your children refusing to budge when it’s time for custody drop off or pick up? Transitioning between two households can be stressful for kids adjusting to their parents’ divorce. Before you jump to conclusions, take time to explore what might be contributing to your children’s reactions and what you can do to help your kids get through this difficult time. Read more

Can You Force Your Ex to Have Parenting Time?

parenting time modifications

It is heartbreaking to see your child waiting for their other parent to pick them up, only to be disappointed, again. Perhaps your ex frequently forgets that it’s their designated parenting time. Or, perhaps they have simply disappeared and dropped out of your child’s life altogether. Whatever the reason for their absence, when a parenting time plan is in place, can you force your ex to exercise their rights and spend time with your (and their) child? Read more

Helping Your Special Needs Child Succeed in School

special needs child

Education decisions are paramount when you are co-parenting a special needs child. Does your child have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? Learn about a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on educational standards for disabled children with IEPs, and what this case could mean for your child. Read more

Custody Interference: Can Your Ex Face Criminal Charges?

custody interference

Your child’s other parent refuses to allow your child to spend time with you. You recognize this as a red flag of parental alienation, but what can you do — and what consequences could your ex face for custody interference? Here is a look custody situations that may warrant criminal charges against alienator parents.  Read more

Divorced Parents: Who Pays For Summer Camp?

summer camp

You and your child’s other parent divorced last winter and now August is rapidly approaching. During your marriage, you and your spouse would send your child to “sleep-away” summer camp. Finances were certainly different for everyone when you were still sharing one household. Now, it appears as though neither one of you can foot the bill for the overnight camp on your own. So, will you child have to skip summer camp this year? Read more