The #1 Costly Mistake Parents Make in Divorce—And How to Avoid It

custody mistakeIn divorce, parents rightly want to protect their children and their relationship with them. Too often, however, the anger, bitterness, and betrayal spouses may feel towards one another take over their decision-making, leading to costly mistakes. One of the biggest missteps parents make that turn custody decisions into custody battles?

Treating their co-parent as the enemy. Read more

School’s Out: Is Your Child’s Support Coming To An End?

do divorced parents need to pay grad school tuition?

As your child prepares to graduate from high school, it’s a time of big transitions and happy celebrations. And for parents who receive child support, it’s also a time to naturally wonder: will child support continue once your child moves on from high school into the world of adulthood?

To start finding the answer this question, the first place to look is your divorce settlement and/or existing child support order. Did you and your former spouse come to an agreement as to the age of your child, date and/or circumstances for child support to terminate? If your divorce was years ago, you may have forgotten that your decree even contained this information. Go over your documents to see what directives they may contain.

If no such language exists, you will need to look to New Jersey’s updated child support laws for guidance. Read more

Where’s My Kid’s Money? 5 Ways the Court Enforce Child Support

Child support enforcement

It can be so frustrating when your child’s other parent either refuses to pay support or pays on his or her own schedule. Bills are piling up, rent is due, but your child support is late or missing altogether. And, as the months are going by, child support arrears are building with no relief in sight. What can you do and where can you turn for assistance? There are several ways in which the courts in New Jersey can ensure that child support is paid to you. Here are a few:  Read more

How Does New Jersey’s Child Support Termination Law Impact You?

Effective February 1, 2017, a new child support law significantly changes how long, and under what circumstances, parents in New Jersey are obligated to pay support once their child has entered adulthood.

Do you have a child nearing the newly established child support cut-off age of 19? Our easy-to-follow slide presentation has important information you need to know: Read more

Receive Child Support? Here’s What New Jersey’s New Child Support Termination Law Means For You

child-support-lawAs of Feburary 1, 2017, a new New Jersey child support law establishes that a parent’s obligation to pay support terminates upon the child’s nineteenth birthday, unless certain factors are present. Are you the parent who receives child support? Here is a look at how this new law can affect you, and important steps you can take to make sure child support continues. Read more

Pay Child Support? Here’s How New Jersey’s New Child Support Termination Law Affects You

child-support-lawsEffective February 1, 2017, New Jersey’s new emancipation statute will dramatically impact when and how child support orders terminate. Have a child nearing the newly established child support cut-off age of 19? Find out what this new law means for your obligation to pay. Read more

Divorced Parents: Are You Required To Pay Your Child’s Grad School Tuition?

do divorced parents need to pay grad school tuition? There has been a lot of buzz about the changes to the child support statute in New Jersey set to take effect in February of 2017. Under the new legislation, there should be no financial support required by a non-custodial parent after a child turns 23 years old. Will there be exceptions to this rule when it comes to parental contributions to graduate school tuition? According to a recent child support ruling in Ocean County, the answer may be yes. Read more

Does Addiction Mean You Can Cut Off Child Support?

addicted teen young adult child supportAre divorced parents required to pay child support or addiction rehab costs when an adult child is an addict? Read more

My Child Graduated College: Can I Stop Child Support?

teen child support

It’s the first September in a long time that your child is not going back to school. Now that he or she is graduated from college, does this mean that you can stop paying child support? Read more

Back to School Expenses and Child Support

child supportIt is that time of year again, when parents are preparing their kids for the inevitable return to school in September and the inevitable costs that arise during this time of year. New school clothes, perhaps? Necessary school supplies? And, once the kids are back in class, there will be school dances, school pictures and fundraisers. If you are a parent of child and paying child support, what is your child support intended to cover with regard to back-to-school costs? Read more