State Judiciary Fee Hike Affects Cost of New Jersey Divorce

Happy Woman Holding American Dollar Currency

If you are gearing up to get a divorce in New Jersey, be aware that the cost of filing the necessary paperwork just went up. Read more

5 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce

Athlete at the start line of the stadium

You’ve decided to get a divorce, so now what? Before filing any paperwork, it pays to take some time to get yourself organized and acquainted with the legal process you are about to embark on. As those who rushed into the divorce process may be able to tell you, there can be unintended consequences for not getting your “ducks in a row” before filing for a divorce.

As for which particular “ducks” you need to pay attention to, here are 5 important steps you won’t want to skip before filing for divorce: Read more

Study: Pricier Engagement Rings Predict Divorce Risk


The bigger the diamond, the shorter the marriage? According to a study conducted by researchers from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, the giving of a pricier engagement ring before marriage could be an indicator of increased divorce risk down the road. Read more

8 Tips For A Super Solo Thanksgiving

Homemaker Holding Turkey on a Platter

Thanksgiving will be here in just a few weeks. Are you newly separated or recently divorced? You may have even more to be thankful for this year. Whether you spend the day solo or not, here are some tips for making this holiday a happy one. Read more

The Ultimate Divorce Loophole: We Were Never Married in the First Place!

Wedding Ring

Before their divorce, New Jersey couple Michael and Debra Mandelbaum lived as husband and wife for 20 years.

Or did they? As the pair’s divorce, initiated by Debra Mandelbaum, moves forward, Michael Mandelbaum has taken an unusual position: despite a well-documented wedding ceremony, jointly filed tax returns, and multiple anniversary cards exchanged over the years, he’s claiming the two were never technically married. Read more

Divorce Horror Story: A Do-It-Yourself Divorce Gone Wrong

book with Halloween stories
Like many couples, at some point during their 25 year marriage, Carolyn and Eli drifted apart. When they finally decided to end the marriage, they also decided to divorce without attorneys, instead using do-it-yourself divorce forms one of them found online. What could go wrong by choosing DIY divorce?

Turns out, a lot. Read more

Top 10 Highest Alimony Payments


Since it’s the time of year for all things spooky and scary, what better time to take a look  at the top ten highest alimony payments in celebrity divorce history? Kidding aside, examining these high end spousal support awards can teach all of us — whether you pay or receive alimony — a thing or two about how to achieve a fair spousal support settlement. Here’s the top ten rundown and some of our tips for creating alimony arrangements both of you can accept. Read more

What Does NJ Alimony Reform Mean for Your Divorce?


On September 9, 2014, the lengthy push for alimony reform in New Jersey came to a conclusion when Governor Christie signed A-845, a set of new laws that will make significant changes to New Jersey’s alimony system.

What does this mean for you? Read more

5 Dirty Tricks Divorcing Spouses Play On Each Other

Businessman with ace card hidden under sleeve.

For every divorcing couple that commits to making the process of ending their marriage as fair and friendly as possible, there are those vindictive spouses who just can’t resist playing dirty tricks during divorce. What kinds of traps should you be on the lookout for? Here are some underhanded schemes and deceptions that are unfortunately all too common: Read more

Study: Is Facebook To Blame For Your Divorce?


It turns out that spending countless hours interacting with online friends can negatively affect your most important real life relationship — the one with your spouse, according to a new Boston University-led study that appears to have found the strongest link yet that Facebook use ups the odds for marital dissatisfaction and divorce. Read more