5 Reasons To Avoid Divorce Litigation At All Costs

how to avoid divorce litigation

For some couples, litigating their matters in court before a judge is the best possible way to reach a resolution in their divorce. For other couples, litigation doesn’t solve conflict; it actually creates more of it. Many people mistakenly believe that they need the most aggressive lawyer in town to defend their legal rights. And when one spouse hires a shark attorney, chances are the other spouse will follow suit in order not to be “out-lawyered.” Yet even with two reasonable attorneys, divorce litigation is likely to inflame conflict, not resolve it. Read on to find out why the divorce litigation process should be avoided at all costs. Read more

Divorce: Is Your Ex A High-Conflict Personality?

do you have a high conflict ex?While most people exhibit some irrational or unpleasant behavior during the pressure cooker of divorce, people with high-conflict personalities are experts at creating drama and chaos. They respond to the grief of a failed marriage by blaming you for the divorce and any problems the kids might have. Because they need a target, they will probably not “get over it” in time. Wondering if your ex might be a high-conflict personality or whether you are in a high conflict divorce?  Take this yes/no quiz to find out. Read more

You Can’t Modify Alimony If You Never Received Alimony

questions about alimony?In a recent, unpublished Appellate Division case, Manger v. Manger, the court found that an ex-wife could not ask the court to change her alimony award, because she was never awarded alimony to begin with. Did you bypass spousal support in your original divorce settlement? Here’s what this case may mean for you.  Read more

Emotional Abuse In Divorce: How To Protect Yourself And Your Children

emotional abuse in divorceEmotional abuse can carry an added layer of damage because, unlike physical abuse, it leaves no discernible marks. Other people, and even the victim, don’t always recognize it’s happening. After years of being invalidated, disempowered, and made to feel worthless, abuse victims can begin to doubt their own reality, and ignore signs that they’re being mistreated. Read more

Filing Tax Returns after Divorce, Part 2

child support, alimony and taxesIn a recent post we looked at some aspects of income tax filing for newly separated or divorced individuals, including filing status and treatment of dependent exemptions. Today, we will look at some of the tax implications of child support or spousal support payments. This information may be helpful not only to those currently working on 2015 tax returns, but also to those in the process of negotiating marital settlement agreements that include support provisions. Divorcing spouses sometimes overlook tax implications that can have a significant impact on each spouse’s post-divorce financial condition.   Read more

Filing Tax Returns After Separation or Divorce, Part 1

filing taxes after divorce

If you are newly separated or divorced, filing a federal tax return can present a host of new and confusing options and scenarios. In honor of the approaching April 15th tax filing deadline, this month we will be sharing some of this valuable information with you in a three-part series discussing tax issues and divorce. Read more

3 Tips For Getting An Amicable Divorce

how do you achieve an amicable divorce?Nightmare divorces make great fodder for headlines, but the truth is, not every divorce turns into The War Of The Roses. The stories that send shivers up your spine generally involve one or both people with mental health and/or significant substance abuse issues. With practice and foresight, couples that don’t face those challenges can take the following steps to keep their divorce as amicable and collaborative as possible. Read more

Alcohol And Divorce: Last Call On Your Marriage

alcohol and divorceA 2007 study by the Rand Organization found that alcoholics are more likely to get divorced than non-alcoholics. According to the research, alcohol is the primary cause of divorce in couples under thirty. The chaos caused by excessive drinking – legal trouble, job loss, financial woes, health issues – can make life with an active alcoholic feel unmanageable. As the problem drinker’s condition deteriorates, the spouse slips into perpetual crisis management mode as she struggles to maintain the family’s financial and psychological equilibrium. Are your marriage problems being fueled by alcohol addiction? Read more

How to Prepare for a Contested Divorce: 4 Key Steps

help for contested divorce issuesYou or your spouse has filed for divorce. In an ideal world, the two of you would be able to sit down and work out all of your issues together, without having a contentious divorce. However, that is not the case for many divorcing couples and you may find yourself in what is called a “contested” divorce. Perhaps you cannot agree upon a custody arrangement or how to divide your marital assets. If you find yourself about to engage in a contested divorce action, it is critical to begin to prepare for the divorce as soon as possible. Read more