Join Us For Our Domestic Violence Week Of Action Twitter Chat On 10/18

dv-twitter-chatFemale or male, gay or straight, white or black, rich or poor–domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. A check of recent DV stats from New Jersey and around the United States shows that victims of domestic abuse come from every known demographic and socioeconomic strata.

What can we do to reach victims when they are so diverse? Which resources benefit all victims of domestic violence? Which resources do different groups require? How can we do a better job serving victims? Read more

6 Ways To Make A Difference During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

DV Awareness Month in freeholdIn recognition of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC will host and participate in a number of events to raise domestic abuse awareness and provide New Jersey victims with free legal resources. Would you like to participate? Here is a rundown of our awareness month activities and what you can do to make a difference. Read more

A “Solutions” Response to Domestic Violence

solutions for domestic abuseStatistics are important. They tell a story and paint a picture. Especially during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month when the public is bombarded with statistics regarding domestic violence rates, numbers of murders by intimate partners, and charts with figures about children of families where there is domestic abuse.

But, what if we shifted the focus to talking about solutions for this epidemic? What about bringing to the public instances where rates of domestic violence in a specific city were reduced due to certain efforts of the police and citizens of that city? Read more

Domestic Violence Protection: How The Courts Help Victims

Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, remains a dire issue in New Jersey. According to statistics compiled by the New Jersey State Police, there are approximately 70,000 reports of domestic violence per year statewide, 42% of which involved physical assault. Domestic violence victims in New Jersey can be women or men. As stated by Assemblywoman Celeste Riley, “Domestic violence doesn’t know a sex, it doesn’t know an age,” she said. “If you are abused, you are a victim.”

If you are a victim, there are legal remedies that can protect you; specifically in the New Jersey family courts. The family court has the authority to issue both temporary and final restraining orders, and many times, these proceedings go hand in hand with any criminal case that may be ongoing. Here are some tips to help you navigate the court system… Read more

Smart Phone Apps Spouses Use to Spy

keeping smartphones safe

Only a brief Google search will yield you fast results: tracking software and smartphone applications that can be purchased, downloaded and installed on someone else’s phone. Companies will even monitor the software for you for a little as 50 cents a day. Why are these programs available? To be fair, they are usually marketed as a way to keep track of your children so that you know their whereabouts in what can be a dangerous world. They are also supposedly geared towards employers who may be concerned about the security of their businesses. But, what about the use of these types of applications and programs in a domestic violence situation? Read more

Domestic Violence in LGBTQ Relationships

help for male victims of domestic violenceEvery victim of domestic violence counts and domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. We may be accustomed to talking about abuse as an issue between heterosexual partners, but abuse can and does occur in all types of relationships, including gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgendered. How can these underrepresented groups reach out for help — and what kind of support is available? As part of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let’s start a much-needed conversation… Read more

Domestic Violence Doesn’t Discriminate

Get help for domestic violence and intimate partner violenceOctober is National Domestic Violence Awareness month, a time when this country tries to raise awareness regarding an issue that still plagues the US. And, the victims are not just women. They are not just people in different-sex relationships. Domestic violence can happen to anyone at any time. Read more

New US Supreme Court Ruling On Gun Possession & Domestic Violence

guns & domestic violence Today, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision in the case of Voisine v. United States, a case that deals with domestic violence criminal convictions and gun possession. Already on the books is a federal law that prohibits those convicted of crimes involving domestic violence from owning or possessing firearms. Stephen Voisine and William Armstrong both pleaded guilty in state court (in their home state of Maine) to misdemeanor assaults on their domestic partners. Several years later, they were both charged with violating the federal law that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition. Read more

Amber Heard & Johnny Depp Domestic Violence Fallout: Do Police In NJ Have Obligation to Arrest?

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Domestic Violence

Image copyright arp,

News has been breaking this week about Johnny Depp and his estranged wife Amber Heard, and the alleged incident of domestic violence that Amber reports happened on the night of May 21, 2016 at the couple’s Los Angeles home. What really happened between Johnny and Amber that night we may never know for sure. What we do know, however, is that the Los Angeles Police Department was called to the couple’s house at least once that evening.

What transpired when cops arrived on the scene? Read more

#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Brings Emotional Abuse Awareness to Social Media

Get help for domestic violence and intimate partner violence

In this digital age, stands are taken, victories are won (and lost) and causes are put in the spotlight through social networking vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook. On Monday, Twitter users began using the hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou to show that abusive relationships aren’t limited to physically violent ones. Domestic violence can come in many forms, including mental or emotional abuse. Read more