You Can Make A Difference During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In recognition of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC will participate in domestic abuse prevention and awareness activities taking place throughout the month. Would you like to participate? Check out our list of 2017 awareness month events. Each of us can make a difference. Please share this blog to help spread the word.

Candlelight Vigils: Stand witness and be a beacon of hope for victims and survivors of domestic abuse by attending a candlelight vigil this month. Members of our Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC team will be in attendance at the Center for Hope and Safety’s Paramus Vigil on October 4 at Van Saun’s Park, and the October 6 candlelight vigil in New Brunswick organized by Women Aware, the designated domestic violence agency in Middlesex County. We hope to see you there!

National Call of Unity: Bari Weinberger, our firm’s founder, will participate in the 7th National Call of Unity, hosted by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. The call is an opportunity for Weinberger and other leaders to bring new strategies for abuse prevention to their local community. Follow Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC on Twitter for live tweets from the event on October 4, beginning at 3 pm EST. Retweet and hashtag your local community to bring attention to new ways we can work together to help prevent domestic violence.

Help a Friend: Do you have a friend or loved one who you think might be experiencing domestic abuse? Not sure how to give them a helping hand? Attend our free Facebook Live webinar: How to Help a Friend Get a Temporary Restraining Order (October 6) to learn how the restraining order process works in New Jersey and what you can do to guide a friend in obtaining this important form of protection for victims.

Go Purple Thursday: On Thursday, October 20, we’re doing our part to turn New Jersey PURPLE, the official awareness color of domestic abuse. We’ll be wearing purple at all our offices and turning our social media channels purple for the day. Join us by uploading your photos to Facebook and other social media and using the hashtag #PurpleThursday. Tag Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC and we will share what you’re doing to honor domestic abuse victims.

Free E-book and Safety Plan: To honor Domestic Violence Week of Action (October 15-21), our eBook for Domestic Violence Victims will be available free of charge on Amazon Kindle. Authored by Bari Weinberger, this is an indispensable guide on legal rights for victims, and how to get help. We will also distribute our new printable Safety Plan. The free PDF booklet helps individuals devise an emergency plan for getting help and leaving a violent or abusive situation. Included in the guide is an updated list of New Jersey domestic violence agencies and emergency contact numbers.

Protecting Your Future: Two other Facebook Live webinars planned for October will focus on navigating the final restraining process and obtain money needed to live. Join us for: Keeping DV Victims Safe: Temporary Spousal and Child Support (October 13) and 5 Ways to Get a Final Restraining Order Hearing (October 19).

Will you join us in making a difference this month? We’re all in this together and every step, everything we do this month and beyond, comes with the hope of empowering people to break free from abusive and violent relationships.

Are you in an abusive relationship? You can get out — and you can be safe. Please contact us today to schedule an attorney consultation to lean about your rights and first steps. It’s completely free and completely confidential. We can help you apply for a restraining order and file motions for spousal support and child support. Call us at 888-888-0919. 

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