3 Tips For Being Happy Living On Your Own

If you’re living alone now that you’re separated, you are actually not alone. According to a new study from the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, more people than ever are living by themselves, with the overall percentage of solo households more than doubling since 1960 from 13 to 27 percent. Read more

Study: Military Divorce Risk Depends On Deployment Length

As we’ve blogged about in the past, recent statistics show that divorce rates among all branches of the military have risen over the past decade.

Which military couples are most likely to divorce? Read more

Why Creating a Holiday Plan for Child Custody Can Be A Good Idea

holiday parenting time

It’s the holiday season and spending time with family is more important than ever. But what happens when you are a single parent trying to negotiate with your ex-husband or ex-wife for an extra holiday visit with your kids? New Jersey divorce and family law attorney Bari Weinberger was recently interviewed for NJ 101.5 to give her take on the topic of child custody and the holidays, and why most couples should seriously consider writing a plan for the holidays right into their divorce settlement. Read more

Don’t Fall For These 4 Common Divorce Myths


One of the biggest pitfalls of asking friends and family for divorce advice? Unless they are a divorce attorney, these well-meaning people may end up passing along common divorce myths and misconceptions that can set you up to make mistakes.

Which myths could you unknowingly be falling for? Here’s a look at four main divorce misconceptions. Read more

Does the Affordable Care Act Encourage Divorce?

Could implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) lead to an increase in divorce rates? Here are some compelling why this could be a distinct possibility.  Read more

Getting Divorced? 4 Reasons Why It’s A Good Idea To Hire An Attorney

The most important decision you may make after deciding to get a divorce? Whether or not to hire a divorce attorney. In New Jersey, an individual involved in a divorce or family law issue has the option to hire an attorney or go it alone and represent themselves in their matter before the courts (what is legally called representing oneself pro se).

On the fence about what’s best for you and your divorce? Here are five factors to take into consideration when making the choice to pursue legal assistance. Read more

Tips for Maintaining A Household Budget During Divorce

filing for divorce

Whether you are remaining in the marital home after a divorce or are moving to a new residence, now that you have physically separated and divided your possessions, one of the first things you need to do is assess what you’ve still got and what you will need. Have you taken stock of your possessions yet?  Read more

Can You Receive (Or Do You Need to Pay) Alimony If You’re Separated?

You and your spouse are separated, but your divorce is still not final. Do you qualify to receive NJ alimony — or likewise, could you be on the hook to pay alimony until your divorce goes through? Read more

Alleged Conflict of Interest for Ocean County Family Law Judge Melanie Appleby

Update 12/4: According to a NJ Law Journal report, in Judge Appleby’s formal answer, made public yesterday, Appleby admits that she met with attorney Louis around May 2012 to discuss her personal child support issue. She also admits to providing him with documents and exchanging e-mails on the matter. In regards to the forged letterhead that was allegedly produced by the attorney, she denies any knowledge or involvement and also denies covering up the conflict of interest.

What happens when a New Jersey family court judge requires legal representation in a New Jersey family law matter? Who do you choose to serve as your attorney? And ethically speaking, who can you choose? Read more

11 Inspiring Quotes About Divorce

life insurance and divorce

Inspiring, humorous, and emotional, here is a collection of quotes from authors, celebrities and others about what’s it really like to go through a divorce. Read more