Alleged Conflict of Interest for Ocean County Family Law Judge Melanie Appleby

Update 12/4: According to a NJ Law Journal report, in Judge Appleby’s formal answer, made public yesterday, Appleby admits that she met with attorney Louis around May 2012 to discuss her personal child support issue. She also admits to providing him with documents and exchanging e-mails on the matter. In regards to the forged letterhead that was allegedly produced by the attorney, she denies any knowledge or involvement and also denies covering up the conflict of interest.

What happens when a New Jersey family court judge requires legal representation in a New Jersey family law matter? Who do you choose to serve as your attorney? And ethically speaking, who can you choose? Read more

11 Inspiring Quotes About Divorce

life insurance and divorce

Inspiring, humorous, and emotional, here is a collection of quotes from authors, celebrities and others about what’s it really like to go through a divorce. Read more

Divorce: Should You Be the First to File?

No one wants to be blindsided by divorce, but if you and your spouse have reached the point where ending your marriage seems inevitable, you may be wondering whether or not you should go ahead and be the first to file, or bide your time and make your spouse do all the legwork of serving you with divorce papers. Which is more advantageous? Here are some important factors to take into consideration: Read more

Making The Most Of Your Day In Court

New Jersey DCP&P Superior Court Procedures

This week, the courtroom antics of Genevieve Sabourin grabbed headlines when the Canadian actress, in a NY court to face charges of stalking actor Alec Baldwin, was given 30 days in jail after a judge held her in contempt of court for repeatedly interrupting proceedings. Read more

Dealing with Money When You Decide to Separate

alimony factors

You likely have many different joint accounts with your spouse, including bank accounts, credit cards, loans, and more. Before untangling these accounts during your divorce, the first step in protecting yourself is to make sure your spouse can’t create even more financial problems during your separation. Are you about to go your separate ways? Here are a few preliminary money issues to take into consideration. Read more

Decided to Separate? What to Do Before You Move Out

If you and your spouse are separating, are you the one moving out? Before you relocate, here are tips and issues to consider as you go about finding a new place. Read more

More Couples Putting Prenuptial Agreements In Place

Prenuptial Agreements

According to a recent survey of attorney members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 63 percent of divorce attorneys nationwide have cited an increase over the past three years in the number of couples putting prenuptial agreements in place.

Common items that couples want settled before getting married? Read more

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Divorce

It’s no secret that the holiday season is a time of year when many couples begin to contemplate or move forward with plans to divorce. Whether it’s the stress of the “maintaining appearances” during the holidays that lead a couple to realize their marriage is over, or the desire for one or both parties to get off to start fresh in the New Year, it’s common to see an uptick in divorce filings in early January.

Are you contemplating divorce as 2013 ends and 2014 begins? Deciding whether or not to stay married may be one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. It’s definitely not something to take lightly, nor a choice to make in haste. So how do you know it really is time to start moving forward with a divorce filing? Here are five important questions to ask yourself: Read more

What Happens To Children’s Bank Accounts In A Divorce?

You may have started a college savings account for your child, or have a joint bank account in their name, or have individual accounts that carry their name only. What happens to these accounts if you and your spouse end up filing for divorce? Read more

Preparing for Your First Solo Post-Divorce Thanksgiving

Whether you are separated or newly divorced, will this year mark the first Thanksgiving you will be celebrating without your spouse? Depending on your circumstances, you may be feeling relieved at not needing to “fake it” through another meal with your in-laws, sad and angry over the change in your cherished family traditions, unsure about what to expect when you show up at your parents’ house without your spouse…or some mix of all these things. Read more