Staying Healthy During Your Divorce

A lawsuit in New Jersey making headlines this week involves the widow of a 42-year-old lawyer who went into cardiac arrest and died at the Gloucester County courthouse. The wife of deceased attorney Peter Fiorentino Jr. is suing the county, alleging that negligence on the part of first responders was the cause of death. Read more

After DOMA, Now What? A New Jersey Perspective

lgbtq marriage and parenting rights

The U.S. Supreme Court’s striking down of a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has given new energy and fuel to forces within the state working to legalize same-sex marriage in New Jersey. In the last week, two important developments have developed that seem to have the state edging closer to making changes concerning this issue. Read more

New Laws Governing New Jersey Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreements

Family lawyers, having lost the battle to block a new law restricting judicial interpretations of prenuptial agreements, are girding for its impact. The law, signed June 28 by Gov. Chris Christie, mandates that judges evaluate the agreements as of the date of their signing, not the date of enforcement — effectively removing consideration of changed circumstances.

On June 28, 2013, Governor Christie signed into law key rule changes concerning the enforceability of prenuptial or pre-civil union agreements in New Jersey. Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC attorney Carmela Novi wrote a guest blog explaining these prenuptial agreement rule changes when they were first proposed in the New Jersey Assembly last year (See New Jersey Bill Questions Conscionability in Prenuptial Agreements). However, now that they are official, how do changes to pre-nups affect those seeking pre-martial agreements, or attempting to enforce or dispute one already in place? Read more

Five Common Questions About Military Divorce

When a military marriage dissolves, couples tend to have very different questions and concerns about the divorce process than those shared by most civilian couples. Are you in the military, or a military spouse, going through a divorce or separation? Every couple’s situation is unique, but here is a look at four commonly asked questions about military divorce. Read more

Six Places Spouses Hide Assets


Is your soon-to-be ex-husband or ex-wife keeping you in the dark about hidden assets they don’t want divvied up in the divorce?

Maybe you’ve picked up some subtle (and not-so subtle) clues that all is not what is seems, such as bank statements that no longer show up at the house, or the amount in your bank account seems lower than it should be, or your spouse’s behavior has become overly combative when the topic of your joint finances comes up. Read more

Divorce Trends In 2013

What does divorce in the 21st century look like? Check out this infographic showing recent divorce statistics and the topic six divorce trends of 2013. It really puts things in perspective! Read more

Rupert Murdoch Seeking “Quick, Quiet Divorce”

News of Rupert Murdoch’s divorce from wife of 14 years, Wendi Deng Murdoch, continues to make headlines around the world, but don’t expect to learn the finer details of this high profile divorce anytime soon. As the Huffington Post and other media outlets are report, all signs point to the media mogul seeking a “quiet divorce” out of the spotlight. Read more

Jennie Garth, Peter Facinelli: Case Study in Amicable Divorce

As of this Tuesday, actors Jennie Garth and Peter Facinelli are officially unmarried in what some in Hollywood are billing as the “nicest” divorce ever. Read more

Study: Facebook A Factor In A Growing Number of Divorces

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Is Facebook a factor in your divorce? You’re not alone. According to new research from the University of Missouri, individuals who self-report “excessively” using Facebook are far more likely to experience conflict with their romantic partners, which then may cause negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating, breakup, and divorce. To translate this into Facebook speak? Too much time on the social network ups the chances your status won’t remain “in a relationship” for very long. Read more

What Happens to Your Insurance When You Divorce?

Life, health, home, auto, and more. What’s going to happen to your insurance benefits now that you are getting a divorce? Here’s a look at various insurance policy types, and what you can do to ensure coverage continues without interruption. Read more