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Study: Facebook A Factor In A Growing Number of Divorces
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Is Facebook a factor in your divorce? You’re not alone. According to new research from the University of Missouri, individuals who self-report “excessively” using Facebook are far more likely to experience conflict with their romantic partners, which then may cause negative relationship outcomes including emotional and physical cheating, breakup, and divorce. To translate this into Facebook speak? Too much time on the social network ups the chances your status won’t remain “in a relationship” for very long. Read more
What Happens to Your Insurance When You Divorce?
Life, health, home, auto, and more. What’s going to happen to your insurance benefits now that you are getting a divorce? Here’s a look at various insurance policy types, and what you can do to ensure coverage continues without interruption. Read more
What’s the Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody?
Many people assume that child custody is a single issue, but in reality, child custody is a multi-layered issue with a number of different components that will need to be determined when parents separate or divorce. For example, will a parent seek physical custody or legal custody, or both? And who will hold the custody? Will it be shared (joint) by parents or will one parent be awarded sole custody? What about visitation? Read more
Patrick Stewart’s Strong Words About Domestic Violence
You may already be a fan of Patrick Stewart, the actor who played Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the TV and film versions of Star Trek II, but if you have any interest at all in the issue of ending domestic violence, get ready to fall in love all over again. Read more
Can Divorce Improve Job Performance?
Legendary hedge fund billionaire Paul Tudor Jones recently up controversy over comments he made in front of a University of Virginia panel that life events, including becoming a mother and divorce, are career-stunting “killers” for Wall Street traders. Read more
Divorce & Co-Parenting Over Summer Vacation
Are you a co-parent? Then you know very well that the end of the school year and summer vacation are fast approaching with all the activities that entails.
It’s normal to feel a little stressed making the transition from the predictable schedule of the school to summer’s more relaxed pace. For divorced or separated parents, however, there is often added pressure as summer vacation forces parents to be in more frequent contact with one another. Read more
Saving for College: What Happens to a 529 Plan When You Divorce?
Your children may be too young to even know what career they would like to pursue, let alone know which college they want to attend. But if you and your spouse, like so many other parents, set up a designated 529 college savings plan, a tax-advantaged investment account used to help parents squirrel money away funds to cover the eventual cost a child attending college, you may be wondering what’s going to happen to this money now that you are getting a divorce. Your family’s situation is unique, of course, but here are a few common possibilities for dealing with a 529 plan during a divorce. Read more
5 Tips for Making Divorce Less Expensive
Want to break your marital bonds — but not your budget? Every divorce situation is unique, but here are five ways couples may be able to save a little (or a lot) on their divorce proceedings: Read more
How Does Collaborative Divorce Differ From Traditional Divorce?
What is collaborative divorce — and is it right for you? If you and spouse have made the difficult decision to divorce, it makes sense to explore the many options and pathways available for reaching a divorce settlement. Gone are the days when getting a divorce always meant having a judge decide your matters. In today’s divorce landscape, there are a number of alternative dispute resolution and out of court settlement options, including divorce mediation, divorce arbitration, and the subject of this blog: Collaborative divorce. Read more
Mother’s Day for Single Moms
It’s not Thanksgiving or Christmas, but Mother’s Day still can carry with it much of the same kind of emotional baggage that holidays and other family celebrations do when you are separated or newly divorced. Is this your first Mother’s Day since your split? Things may be very different this year, but one thing is the same: You are still a mom and you still deserve a special day.
How can you celebrate your new status as a single mom? Here are some ideas for how to create a day filled with joy. On the other hand, are you a dad wondering how to help your kids honor their mother, even if she is no longer your wife? We’ve got tips on how to make that happen, too. Read more