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Don't go into your divorce or family law matter defenseless
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Three Ways Cheating Can Affect Your Divorce Settlement
Jailed For Not Paying Alimony?
A New Jersey man has sat in jail for the last seven weeks on a “non-support” charge for allegedly failing to pay alimony.
Just another deadbeat ex, or does this story speak to the need for a more vigorous alimony reform debate in the state? Here’s a look at this very controversial case. Read more
Will Your New Year’s Resolutions Include Divorce?
The Gifts of Divorce – Holiday Shopping Ideas, Too!
Repairing Your Credit After Divorce
Mark went through what he calls a very “modern day divorce” last year when he and his ex-wife ended up dividing more marital debts than marital assets in their divorce settlement. The couple closed two joint credit cards, both with high outstanding balances and a record of missed payments. They also sold their home in a short sale, meaning they were able to get out of their underwater mortgage, but because the house sold for less than what they owed, there was no money from the sale to go towards paying down debts. Read more
Post-Divorce Holiday Survival Guide
Thanksgiving is here and the December holidays of Christmas, Chanukah, and New Year’s are right around the corner. We’ve shared tips before on how to survive the holidays when you are separated or going through a divorce. But another year has passed, and we’re back with some all new and updated ways on how to enjoy this special season, no matter what your marital status. Read more
Will Divorce Mean Losing Your Health Insurance Coverage?
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Divorce
Hurricane Sandy Help for Divorced Families
The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy has significantly disrupted the lives of families throughout New Jersey. But for divorced families, there may an extra layer of concern right now involving co-parenting issues. Have impassable roads impacted your child custody arrangements and parenting time? Have you not been in contact with your child since the storm? Have power outages throughout New Jersey closed your place of work and now you are concerned about making this month’s child support payment? Read more
8 Financial Clues Your Spouse Wants a Divorce