Divorced Parents: Who Gets The Advance Child Tax Credit Payments?

advance tax credit payments

Divorced and separated parents already have extra concerns on their plate. This summer, they can add one more: which parent will receive new Advance Child Tax Credit Payments?  Read more

Divorce: Dealing With The Emotions Of The Entire Family

Divorce can be hard on every member of the family when feelings go unaddressed. Men and women tend to express emotions differently and children may act out their feelings in ways that are hard to understand. Let’s take a look at some of the emotions members of your family are likely to experience during this difficult time — and how best to cope with them. Read more

High-Conflict Divorce: How And When To Stand Your Ground

Divorce from a high-conflict personality is grueling. A hostile ex can create so much chaos that you end up reacting, and unwittingly creating more drama. This pattern can continue for years and drain you financially and emotionally. The following tips can help you know what battles to forfeit, and when to stand your ground. Read more

High-Conflict Divorce: How And When To Stand Your Ground

Divorce from a high-conflict personality is grueling. A hostile ex can create so much chaos that you end up reacting, and unwittingly creating more drama. This pattern can continue for years and drain you financially and emotionally. The following tips can help you know what battles to forfeit, and when to stand your ground. Read more

What happens when divorced parents disagree about their children getting the Covid-19 vaccine? 

This week the FDA approved emergency use of the Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 12-15 years old. Vaccinating children can be a controversial decision for many parents; for divorced co-parents, there are even more added layers of complexity. Namely, if one parent doesn’t want their child or teen to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, who has the legal say in what happens next? 

Let’s take a look at divorced parents’ vaccine rights and how disagreements over the Covid-19 vaccine may be resolved. Read more

Summer 2021 is Back On — Are Your Parenting Time Plans Ready?

summer 2021 parenting time plan

For many families, favorite summertime activities like overnight camp and summer vacation plans didn’t happen last summer due to Covid-19. We’re in a very different place with the pandemic in 2021 and this summer in New Jersey could feel almost back to normal. (Hooray!)

If you changed your usual parenting time plans last summer due to Covid restrictions, it’s time to check these plans over and possibly revise them (in writing) to reflect your custody schedule and parenting plans for summer 2021.  Read more

Best Tips For Divorcing A Covert Narcissist

Unlike overt narcissists who are unabashedly self-aggrandizing, covert narcissists aren’t as easy to spot because their narcissistic traits are inverted, making them appear shy and unassuming. Despite the “poor me” routine, however, the covert narcissist is often more victimizer than victim. Read on to learn more about how they operate… Read more

What A Narcissist Abuser Will Do To Try To Win You Back

narcissist abuserDoes your relationship leave you feeling hurt and confused? Do you savor memories of the good times in order to block out the bad? If these patterns feel familiar, you may be with a narcissistic abuser. In order to leave a narcissist, you first need to understand the tactics they use to win you back. Read more

Mental Illness and Divorce: Kim and Kanye

Image copyright SharpShooter, Depositphoto.com

Mental illness is notoriously hard on relationships, and sadly, it may have played a role in the Kim Kardashian-Kanye West breakup. According to Page Six, after seven years of marriage and four children, Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce.  Read more

Kim Kardashian-West & Kanye West Divorce: Insight From a Family Law Expert

kim and kanye divorce

Image copyright PopularImages, Depositphoto.com

Following months of rumored marital problems and separate living arrangements, it was confirmed Friday that Kim Kardashian West has filed for divorce from husband Kanye West. Read more