NJ Domestic Violence Restraining Orders: How Do You File In 2021

help for domestic violenceAre you a victim of domestic violence and not sure where or how to seek help in 2021? Get the information you need to protect yourself this winter and beyond. You can get out and you can stay safe.  Read more

How To Pandemic-Proof Your Child Custody Agreements 

Over the past year, we’ve learned that custody arrangements require great flexibility to endure and protect children and parental rights during a public health emergency.

If you and your spouse are recently separated in 2021 are creating new temporary plans for custody, you are probably wondering, how does Covid-19 fit in? Read more

New Start: Why Couples Often Divorce In January

January is divorce month

When a marriage has reached the point of being irretrievably broken, a common New Year’s resolution is to not waste another precious moment with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong. Actually, so many people begin the process of divorce in the New Year that January has earned the nickname of “Divorce Month.” The first Monday in January is called “Divorce Day” because of the sudden uptick in people searching for divorce help once the holidays have ended.

Resolutions aside, there are several other key reasons why many wait until the first month of the year to decide to move forward with divorce. Among these reasons… Read more

Divorcing A Narcissist Spouse: 10 Tips To Protect Yourself

divorcing a narcissist spouseNarcissists thrive on drama and chaos, so buckle up for a possibly bumpy ride in your divorce. Don’t despair, however. You can survive your split with your sanity intact by arming yourself with knowledge. Here are 10 tips to protect yourself when divorcing a narcissist spouse. Read more

5 Signs Your Child Is Being Turned Against You

child being turned against youParental alienation and being rejected by your child is one of the most painful experiences a divorced parent can have. Although some kids may temporarily take sides during divorce, they usually still want a relationship with the parent they’re being mad at. 

But children of high-conflict divorces often have a hard time loving both parents, usually due to pressure from the alienating parent. How do you know if your child’s angry behavior is transitory, or an indication of deeper anger and parental alienation?

Here are 5 signs that he or she is being turned against you. Read more

Are “Britney Spears” Conservatorships Available In New Jersey?

Britney Spears Conservatorship

Image copyright s_bukley, Depositphoto.com

There is a court update in the ongoing Britney Spears conservatorship case, keeping this unusual legal arrangement in the headlines.

What’s new? In this most recent recent development, a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge rejected a request from Britney’s lawyer to remove the singer’s father as conservator of her estate, despite claims that with Jamie Spears in charge, the singer felt unable to return to work.  

“My client has informed me that she is afraid of her father,” Samuel D. Ingham III, Spears’s court-appointed lawyer, told the judge, according the The Associated Press. “She will not perform again if her father is in charge of her career.”

Those on Jamie Spears’s side cite how well Britney’s father has managed financial and personal decisions related to his daughter, and his commitment to her well-being. The judge left the door open to consider further petitions for Jamie Spears’s removal “down the road.” A final hearing in the matter is scheduled for February 2021.

For fans of the #FreeBritney movement who believe Jamie’s role in the conservatorship is unjust, this latest news may be disconcerting. But for others struggling to make the right decision for a family member or loved one at risk, Britney’s conservatorship continuing to make headlines raises the question — what exactly is this arrangement and who can benefit from one? Read more

Why Do Narcissists Drag Out Divorce?

why do narcissists drag out divorceWondering why your narcissist spouse insists on complicating and miring down your divorce at every turn? By definition, a narcissist lacks the ability to compromise and think about the best interests of others, including possibly their own children. But more complex reasons drive the narcissist’s tendency to drag out divorce. Reasons such as…  Read more

Gaslighting: How Narcissists Use It During Divorce

gaslighting in divorceDoes your divorce from a narcissist make you feel like you’re going crazy? Do you have a hard time trusting your judgment and perceptions? If so, you may have fallen prey to the narcissist’s favorite weapon: gaslighting. Read more

Here’s What Happened To NJ’s Domestic Violence Cases During Covid-19 — And What You Can Do To Get Help 

nj domestic violence covid-19A NY Times article from the height of the Covid-19 pandemic found that domestic violence rates around the globe were rising, spurred by Covid-19 lockdowns, economic distress, and victims driven even further into isolation.

Concerned about similar spikes in domestic abuse that may be happening here in New Jersey, family law expert Bari Weinberger, our firm’s founder, set out to uncover how factors such as home confinement and court closures have impacted statewide domestic violence rates.  Read more

6 Ways Victims Of Domestic Violence Can Access Financial Support

financial support for domestic violence victimsAre you or a loved one trapped in an abusive relationship because you don’t see a way to financially support yourself should you leave? Are you asking yourself questions like…

How can I afford to rent an apartment? How can I afford to feed my kids? How can I create a new life if I can’t pay for it?

Abusers often use tactics of manipulative control over their victim’s finances (aka financial abuse) as a way to keep their victim isolated and fearful of leaving. Abusers may cut off access to joint bank accounts, ruin the victim’s credit, and terrify their victim into giving up their job. 

However, here’s what your abuser doesn’t want you to know: you can get out, you can get to safety, and you can get money to live. 

As you go about putting together your safety plan for leaving and creating a safe new existence for you and your children, please know that key financial support is available to you right now. See which of the following resources could be a good match for your needs.  Read more