Help for Domestic Violence Victims eBook: to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month #DVAM20, we are giving away copies of Bari Weinberger’s eBook on domestic violence and domestic abuse: A Guide for Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey. Enter the giveaway to get a copy for a friend, your workplace, your local library, school, or day center.
How To Enter
To enter, click the box below and follow the instructions.
We have added several different ways for you to earn entries to this giveaway and you can have as many entries as you like. Different actions result in different ‘entry’ values.
The winners will be notified on October 30th.
Follow this link to enter: Giveaway – A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims eBook
A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey
Help for New Jersey Domestic Violence Victims
If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic violence, it is important to know that the law in New Jersey is on your side. You are not alone! In this step-by-step guide, attorney Bari Z. Weinberger walks you through the many forms of legal help available to women and men in New Jersey seeking assistance and protection in a domestic violence matter. With real-life examples and easy-to-follow instructions on how to file certain court forms, readers will:
- Learn when and how to seek police assistance and find safe shelter from an abuser.
- Understand the basics of filing for a New Jersey Temporary Restraining Order, including special considerations when children are involved.
- Find out what information and evidence judges look for when deciding whether or not to turn a TRO into a permanent order of protection.
- Gain practical advice and tips for staying safe, such as how to maintain a confidential address and how, if appropriate, to file for divorce.
- Learn how restraining orders granted in different states are enforced in New Jersey, and vice versa.
- Discover statewide and local resources available to help domestic victims rebuild their lives.
If you are the victim of domestic violence in New Jersey, legal help and protection is available! In clear, easy-to-follow language, A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey, provides empowering information to help you find the path to lasting safety. The book is also available on Amazon.
Safeguard yourself today. Request a Free initial consultation with a Restraining Order Specialist.
Domestic Abuse – Get Help Today
Learn more about:
Signs of Domestic Violence
Protect Yourself From Spousal Cyber-Spying
Free Domestic Violence Safety Plan
Get answers to Domestic Violence FAQs
Parenting Strategies When Divorcing A Narcissist
Court Highlights: In Winning Appeal, Attorney Richard Outhwaite Safeguards His Client’s Final Restraining Order
Mr. Outhwaite skillfully secured his client’s safety and future by proving to the courts the continued need for the final restraining order over the objections and calls to dismiss by the defendant (the client’s former spouse). In its ruling, the Appellate Court agreed with Mr. Outhwaite and affirmed a lower court’s decision in favor of plaintiff pursuant to the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, N.J.S.A. 2C:25-17-35. Mr. Outhwaite’s client was found to be credible and the FRO necessary for future safety. The defendant’s demand to dismiss the FRO was denied.
We commend Mr. Outhwaite for his superb job in fulfilling our firm’s mission of safeguarding our clients and their rights and futures. As we observe October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it’s all the more meaningful to have Mr. Outhwaite’s shining example of what we mean when we say that we are committed to our clients’ continued safety.
Do you or a loved one need help with a domestic violence matter, including filing for a restraining order? Please see our free legal helping resources. Have questions and need to speak with an attorney? Contact us to schedule a confidential attorney consultation. Call us at 888-888-0919, or click the button below.
Schedule an Initial Consultation
You Both Want To Call Off The Divorce — What Happens Next?
Image copyright Featureflash,
On Instagram Live last week, singer Cardi B revealed that she and her husband Offset are back together. The marital reconciliation comes just weeks after Cardi filed for divorce from Offset on the grounds their marriage was irretrievably broken. The two share a young child.
So, what happens now? Their divorce was heating up and looked like it was headed for a public courtroom showdown. It’s great news that the couple wants to give marriage a second try, but what about the legal side of things? What happens to the divorce court legal process when a divorce is called off? Read more
20 Signs You’re Married To A Narcissist
Is your spouse simply charming and confident? Or are these personality traits signs of something darker? Read on to find out if you might be married to a narcissist. Read more
How Does A Narcissist React To Divorce?
Narcissists are notorious for having extreme reactions, and the way they respond to divorce can be apocalyptic. Even if the narcissist wanted the divorce, the fact that the marriage ended tarnishes their image and makes them feel shame. And because narcissists can’t see their part in problems, they project that shame outward. Are you preparing to divorce a narcissist? Make sure you educate yourself about the ways your spouse will likely behave during divorce. Read more
Cyberbullying: Protect Your From The Narcissist’s Favorite Tool For Divorce Revenge
In divorce, a narcissist ex can be like a moth to the flame when it comes to negative social media posting.
The reason why? Efficiency: In one fell swoop, a manipulative Facebook rant or Tweet can reach your friends and family, your kids’ teachers, your boss, and people you’ve never even met. The goal? Getting others to see and hopefully chime in about what an awful person your poor ex has had to deal with all these years. These likes and sympathetic comments provide the “narcissistic supply” this personality type needs to soothe their fragile egos.
It’s destructive and dysfunctional behavior, and there is also a name for it:
Cyberbullying. Read more
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2020 — How To Get Help During Covid-19
This October’s Domestic Violence Awareness month is one like no other. Typically, the awareness month is an important opportunity to share resources and engage in discussion about how to further aid survivors and end domestic abuse.
In 2020, however, there is an urgent need to get information directly to victims who may be uncertain of how to get help and get to safety in the time of Covid-19. With closures and changed access the norm until further notice, usual avenues of help and support may feel difficult to access.
Do you or a loved one need to get to safety as a result of a violent or abusive partner? Here is a breakdown of needed help and how to still get it during the pandemic. Read more
How To Identify If Your Spouse Is A Narcissist
Is your spouse often self-centered, unsympathetic, and critical? Do you wonder if these qualities make them a narcissist? Don’t be too quick to diagnose. Narcissistic traits – and most of us have some — exist on a continuum. It’s possible to have “slivers” of narcissism without having full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. First, let’s take a look at what “personality disorder” actually means. Read more
Help For Domestic Violence eBook – Win an eBook
Help for Domestic Violence Victims eBook: to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month #DVAM20, we are giving away copies of Bari Weinberger’s eBook on domestic violence and domestic abuse: A Guide for Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey. Enter the giveaway to get a copy for a friend, your workplace, your local library, school, or day center.
How To Enter
To enter, click the box below and follow the instructions.
We have added several different ways for you to earn entries to this giveaway and you can have as many entries as you like. Different actions result in different ‘entry’ values.
The winners will be notified on October 30th.
Follow this link to enter: Giveaway – A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims eBook
Help for New Jersey Domestic Violence Victims
If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic violence, it is important to know that the law in New Jersey is on your side. You are not alone! In this step-by-step guide, attorney Bari Z. Weinberger walks you through the many forms of legal help available to women and men in New Jersey seeking assistance and protection in a domestic violence matter. With real-life examples and easy-to-follow instructions on how to file certain court forms, readers will:
If you are the victim of domestic violence in New Jersey, legal help and protection is available! In clear, easy-to-follow language, A Guide For Domestic Violence Victims in New Jersey, provides empowering information to help you find the path to lasting safety. The book is also available on Amazon.
Safeguard yourself today. Request a Free initial consultation with a Restraining Order Specialist.
Domestic Abuse – Get Help Today
Learn more about:
Signs of Domestic Violence
Protect Yourself From Spousal Cyber-Spying
Free Domestic Violence Safety Plan
Get answers to Domestic Violence FAQs
Introducing Your New Significant Other To Your Kids
You’ve fallen in love with a new significant other and want to introduce this person to your kids. But it’s best to proceed with caution before taking this big post-divorce step. Your children need time to adjust and may not immediately share your enthusiasm for your partner, especially if the introduction isn’t handled with care. Here are some tips to make the transition as smooth – and as child-centered – as possible. Read more