Coronavirus & Child Custody: Has the COVID-19 emergency disrupted your parenting time with your child? Are you divorcing and not sure what your options are? Can you temporarily reduce or stop child support or alimony?
Family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger, founder and managing partner of Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, will go Live on Facebook this Sunday, March 29 at 6 pm ET to answer key questions she’s been receiving over the past few weeks from worried and anxious parents and those experiencing other family law matters.
Update: Watch the Replay below!
RSVP Now! Get answers to urgent questions such as….
- How do I know what our emergency parenting time plan should be?
What if my ex is a healthcare worker? Can I stop parenting time?
What do I do if I feel unwell and my ex can’t care for the kids?
My ex is keeping the kids until this is over. Can I “get back” this lost parenting time in the future?
I filed for divorce just before the pandemic began. How do I keep my divorce on track?
I had to close my family run business and don’t have an income. Can I stop/reduce support payments?
Need help right now? Schedule an initial virtual consultation with one of our family law attorneys to discuss your custody or divorce concerns. Safeguard your kids, and yourself. Call us at today at 888-888-0919, or please click the green button.
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4 Smart Ways To Speed Up Your Divorce
Looking to get a “quick divorce”? The state you live in — and the process you use for your divorce — can play a big role in how long it takes to legally say “I don’t.”
In a new article published in Reader’s Digest, “If You Need a Divorce, These States Are the Fastest…and the Slowest,” family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger examines why divorce can lag in some states compared to others. Live in a state like California, Rhode Island, South Carolina or Arkansas? Find out why your divorce may up end up taking longer than those living in speedier states like Alaska, Nevada, New Hampshire and New Jersey.
However, just because you live in a “slow divorce” state doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do to expedite the divorce process. And if you live in a “speedier” state for divorce, you need to be aware of pitfalls that can still push you off the fast track. Below, find some of Bari’s favorite time-saving divorce tips — good for no matter where you live. Read more
Family Law Expert Bari Z. Weinberger Answers Coronavirus Custody & Divorce Questions
The coronavirus has turned life upside down, and we’ve heard from so many of you with serious questions…about your custody situation and time with your kids, your divorce, and other family law matters.
What if your ex is refusing to follow your custody order?
What if you get sick…who’s going to take care of your child?
What if you can’t keep up with support payments?
And if you’re getting divorced, how do you deal with court delays?
Watch family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger answer these pressing questions, and more. Prefer to read? A transcript of her video is below.
Can we help you? Call us at 888-888-0919 to speak with an attorney for an initial consultation. Phone or video consultations are available. Read more
In Case Of Future Divorce, Meghan And Harry’s Move To California Could Have Major Impact
Image copyright Yuichiro and InkDropCreative,
In Megxit news, it has been revealed that Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have left Canada and will now make their new permanent home in Hollywood, California.
The move will put Harry and Meghan closer to Meghan’s mom Doria, and may be a strategic choice to help Meaghan restart her acting career.
But moving to Hollywood also comes with a significant legal change for the couple: California’s community property laws. Read more
Get Answers To Your Urgent Coronavirus Child Custody & Divorce Questions
Family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger, founder and managing partner of Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC, will go Live on Facebook this Sunday, March 29 at 6 pm ET to answer key questions she’s been receiving over the past few weeks from worried and anxious parents and those experiencing other family law matters.
Update: Watch the Replay below!
RSVP Now! Get answers to urgent questions such as….
Need help right now? Schedule an initial virtual consultation with one of our family law attorneys to discuss your custody or divorce concerns. Safeguard your kids, and yourself. Call us at today at 888-888-0919, or please click the green button.
Request a Virtual Consultation
6 Benefits Of Keeping Your Divorce Private
If your ex’s behavior has left you hurt and angry, you may be tempted to overshare details of your divorce. However, posting the news across social media channels, or even venting to friends, can heighten your anxiety and increase conflict between you and your ex. Before you decide to air your marital dirty laundry, consider the benefits of keeping your divorce private. Read more
How High-Conflict Co-Parents Can Get Their Kids Through The COVID-19 Emergency
Co-parenting with a high-conflict ex is challenging even in the best of times, but many are finding the task to be exponentially harder during the COVID-19 emergency. Wondering what to do if your co-parent is not communicating? Or communicating in ways that are adding to your stress levels? Here are some quick tips for how co-parents can collaborate during the Coronavirus outbreak. Read more
Warning For Separated Parents: Be Cautious About Coronavirus Parenting Time Plans
When a couple decides to separate, and they have children, it’s always a good idea to draw up a temporary custody plan.
Temporary child custody spells out where the couple’s children will live and how much time they will spend with each parent in the period before the couple’s divorce, or the couple’s reconciliation.
But here is where COVID-19 enters the picture, and if you are a separated parent, where you need to watch out that you are not about to make a huge mistake. Read more
COVID-19 Update: How Do You File For A Domestic Violence Restraining Order?
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic unfolds, many in New Jersey are working from home, facing quarantines and self-isolation, and encountering a high level of disruption to their daily activities; for individuals experiencing domestic violence, this public health situation can expose additional dangers and risks.
Are you experiencing domestic violence and concerned about how to go about getting help during this difficult time? Here is what you need to know now about how to file for a temporary restraining order (TRO).
[Please be advised that due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 situation in New Jersey, we will update this blog with any new procedures that can affect domestic violence procedures.] Read more
Coronavirus & Child Custody Plans: Answers To Your Urgent Questions
Could COVID-19 disrupt your custody plans? When is it not safe for your kids to travel to see their other parent? What about international custody? We’ve been fielding a lot of calls from parents this week with urgent questions about coronavirus and its impact on custody. We have gathered a few of these questions and answers in this blog. We’ll be adding more as information on the virus changes. Read more
Getting Divorced During The Coronavirus Outbreak? 3 Things To Know
New Jersey has declared a state of emergency over coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential impact in the state. If you are considering a divorce, or have a divorce case currently progressing through the New Jersey court system, you are probably wondering what happens next? Are the courts still open? What should you do?
Here are some information to help you safeguard yourself: Read more