NJ School Closures: Is Your Parenting Time Plan Ready For COVID-19? 

COVID-19 parenting time

Update: List of Current School Closures in New Jersey

Concerns that New Jersey may soon see a widespread outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has school districts throughout the state preparing for emergency closures that could last weeks or even months. If you are a divorced parent following your school year parenting time schedule, you are probably wondering how a prolonged school closure could affect your time with your kids. 

Should you and your ex take time now to get your own emergency custody plan in place to cover any worst case scenarios?  Read more

Parenting With A High-Conflict Ex: 10 Strategies For Success

Parenting with a high-conflict ex can be crazy-making , but there are steps you can take to keep yourself sane so you can be the best parent you can be. Here are 10 strategies for success: Read more

Millenials Are Different, And So Are Their Prenuptial Agreements 

millennial prenups

Before Millenials walk down the aisle to say “I do,” many in this age 23-38 generation are making a detour to their lawyer’s office to first say, “I want a prenup.”  Read more

Teens, Divorce & Eating Disorders: Is Your Child At Risk?

eating disorders

Your teen just spent the weekend with you, and you noticed they didn’t eat much. You chalk it up to the end of winter blahs. But then during your next parenting time weekend, and the one after that, the pattern repeats and you see your child visibly losing weight and becoming more and more withdrawn.

Has your teen developed an eating disorder? Read more

5 Co-Parenting Tips For Not Making Your Kids “Choose Sides”

co-parenting tips

Forcing children to “take sides” in divorce can cause long-lasting psychological damage. As studies consistently show, rates of anxiety and depression are higher in children of divorce with high-conflict co-parents. On the flip side, the lower the conflict between co-parents, the better kids are able to thrive. Here’s why — plus 5 helpful co-parenting tips for making sure your kids don’t have to choose sides.  Read more

Why A Divorce Coach Can Help You In Divorce

divorce coach

Feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions facing you as you dissolve your marriage? Avoid burn-out by hiring a divorce coach to shepherd you through the process. Although divorce coaches are not lawyers or therapists, they have generally gone through divorce themselves, and are committed to helping others navigate the process as smoothly as possible.

Here are some of the ways a divorce coach can help you. Read more

How To Have A Good Divorce, Even When You Have A High-Conflict Ex

good divorce with high conflict ex

Worried that you’re doomed to a miserable split? Don’t despair! Learn how to achieve a good divorce with a high conflict ex by taking these 5 steps to disengage from conflict. Read more

Freezing Eggs For Future Parenthood? Here Are Two Legal Issues To Consider

freezing eggs and legal issues to consider

Melissa Gorga of Real Housewives of New Jersey shared her future parenting plans during a recent appearance on the Wendy Williams show. Gorga, a mother of three, is freezing her eggs as a way to leave her options open for more children in the future.  Read more

Divorcing After Only Days: What Happens When A Marriage Ends Quickly? 

divorce after a brief marriage

Image copyright everett225, Depositphoto.com

Pamela Anderson and her new husband Jon Peters have made headlines twice so far in 2020: Once when they tied the knot in a surprise wedding in January, and again on February 1 when the pair announced their marriage was already ending in divorce. 

Celebrities can have very short marriages. But so can the rest of us! Are you wondering what happens when a marriage ends quickly? Is divorce preferred, or is an annulment a better option? And what about assets? Can you get alimony or child support after a brief marriage? 

Let’s take a look at some answers.  Read more

6 Disastrous Mistakes To Avoid After Your Divorce

After your divorceWhen emotions still run high after divorce, mistakes are sure to follow. Wondering how your own choices are stacking up? Read on to learn about common post-divorce mistakes and how to avoid (and overcome) them. Read more