Parental Alienation: Is Your Ex Turning Your Kids Against You?

is your ex turning your kids against you?

Parental Alienation is every divorced parent’s nightmare. Could your ex be successful in turning your kids against you? And what would you do if this worse case scenario actually happens? While you can’t control what your ex (or anyone else) does, you can be proactive by addressing the problem directly, and minimizing the damage. Here’s how: Read more

5 Ways To Practice Divorce Self-Care

divorce self care

Divorce can be an overwhelming process, especially if it’s a high conflict one. It’s easy to lose oneself in a vortex of emotions, legal deadlines, and co-parenting decisions. And when you’re juggling all this on top of responsibilities in the workplace and on the home front, you may feel you don’t have time for self-care.

However, not prioritizing your health will just make your divorce more challenging. Staying physically and emotionally fit will give you the equanimity you need to navigate this difficult time successfully. Read on to learn the five most important things you can do to practice divorce self-care. Read more

Is It Domestic Violence If No Punches Are Thrown?

what is domestic violence?

Lightweight boxing champion Gervonta Davis is facing domestic violence charges after a shocking video surfaced showing Davis forcefully grabbing his ex-girlfriend at a charity basketball game in Miami on February 1. Davis can be seen approaching the victim as she sits in the crowd, yanking her to her feet by her throat and forcibly leading her out of the arena. Charges were filed after investigators reviewed the 14-second video and met with both the victim and Davis.  Read more

3 ways to save your marriage from alcoholism 

alcoholism and marriage

Anyone who has watched a spouse sink into the depths of alcoholism has had to answer a very stark question: What does this mean for my marriage? 

The reality is that almost half (48%) of marriages affected by alcoholism end in divorce.

Common crisis issues in an alcoholic marriage are serious: domestic abuse, job loss due to drinking and resulting financial difficulties, co-dependency, and children put in harm’s way.

These are incredibly difficult problems to surmount and sometimes divorce is inevitable. But when spouses are willing to do the hard work of addiction recovery and rebuilding, there can be hope that a marriage can beat the odds. 

Is your marriage one of them? Here are some steps that can help you decide what is best for you.  Read more

What Behaviors To Watch Out For In A High-Conflict Divorce

high conflict behaviors in divorce

The stress of divorce can make even the most diplomatic person lose their cool, but high-conflict divorce brings out the worst, most extreme behaviors in former partners.

Unlike amicable divorces, in which people are able to set their emotions aside and remain civil during the divorce process, those in high-conflict divorces can carry on acrimoniously for years. Wondering where your divorce rates on the conflict scale? Here are some common high-conflict behaviors to watch out for. Read more

Low Conflict Conscious Uncoupling: The Key To A Good Divorce

good divorce

“Conscious uncoupling” is a term popularized by Gwyneth Paltrow and her ex-husband Chris Martin, who kept their emotions and baggage out of their divorce in order to provide safety and consistency for their children – even going so far as to have family dinners and vacations. However, you don’t need to stay that friendly with your ex in order to have a good divorce. Here are some steps you can take to keep conflict to a minimum. Read more

Taxes Too High After Your DIY Divorce? How To Fix Alimony Tax Mistakes

alimony taxes too high

Way back in 2018, we spent a great deal of time alerting our readers to an upcoming new alimony tax change, and it was a big one: Any alimony order put in place after January 1, 2019 would force payor spouses to claim alimony payments as part of their taxable income, reversing the decades old rule of payors being able to deduct payments on their federal returns.  Read more

Post-Divorce Dating: Getting On With Your Life

post-divorce dating

If you’ve spent years languishing in an unhappy marriage, you may be eager for romance and attention. Are you ready for post-divorce dating? Before you download any dating apps, take time to decide what you want, and whether you’re emotionally ready to get into another serious relationship.

When you are, here are some top tips for getting yourself back out there. Read more

Social Media Cyber Harassment And Revenge Porn In Divorce — What Are The Legal Repercussions?

cyber harassment and revenge porn in divorce

Social media is used by billions around the globe to share life’s ups and downs, including divorce. But what happens when sharing about divorce crosses the line from “venting” to cyber harassment and revenge porn?

In a recent feature article for the New Jersey Law Journal, Social Media Tort Claims in Divorce: Targeted Harassment, or Just Venting? our firm’s founder and managing partner, Bari Z. Weinberger, examined New Jersey’s criminal and civil consequences for bad behavior on social media during divorce.

If you on the receiving end of your ex’s social media-fueled rage, this is information you need to know about. Read more

A Divorce Attorney’s Advice To Harry And Meghan? Get A Post-Nup. 

harry and meghan divorce

Image copyright cheekylorns2,

With Megxit complete and Harry and Meghan relieved of their royal duties, married life for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is about to dramatically change: The couple must secure their own housing,  provide for their own income, and pay back $3.1 million of public money spent on the renovation of their former UK home.   

How can Harry and Meghan best tackle this important to-do list? Our suggestion for the Sussexes: Work out a post-nuptial agreement first before taking any further steps.   Read more