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Freezing Embryos Before Marriage: It’s A New Trend, But What If The Relationship Ends?
In today’s modern world, instead of saying “I do” to marriage, many dating couples are first saying yes to IVF. As highlighted in a recent piece in The Cut, the newest trend among unmarried couples is making frozen embryos as a sign of their commitment to a future life together.
As the article’s title, “The Exes Who Froze Embryos and Regret It,” gives away, however, the one big catch to freezing embryos with a dating partner is figuring out what happens to frozen embryos should the couple’s relationship reach the end of the road before they can be used.
The big problem: What if one former partner wishes to still use the frozen embryos in the future over the other’s objection? Read more
IRS: Tax Benefits Available For Survivors of Domestic Violence
When survivors of domestic violence rebuild their lives, establishing solid financial footing is a priority. During federal tax filing season, important IRS tax benefits can support survivors in achieving the goal of financial recovery. Is someone in your life picking up the pieces following abuse? Here’s what to know before filing this year’s tax returns.
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New Law Expands Access To Infertility Insurance Coverage in New Jersey
Anyone who has experienced infertility knows the anguish it can bring. Treatments are expensive, and health insurance does not cover everything. This is especially true for single people and LGBTQIA+ couples eager to start their families. A new law, signed by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on January 12, 2024, provides some relief by expanding insurance coverage for infertility services and embracing broader access to services. Read more
What Happens When A Spouse Dies During Divorce? A New NJ Law Provides Clarity
Divorce cases are full of unexpected twists and turns. One of the most disturbing twists is when a spouse dies during the divorce process. Although this is fortunately not common, when it does happen, the conflict between family law and estate law can throw a wrench into the divorce case. As of January 8, 2024, a new law amends New Jersey’s equitable distribution and estates statutes to resolve this conflict.
Here is what you need to know. Read more
How To Speed Up Your Divorce in New Jersey in 2024
Are you getting divorced in 2024? Are you looking to speed up your divorce but are trapped in the New Jersey Court system? Here’s how you can take control over your divorce and move forward with your life… Read more
Help in 2024 for Victims of Stalking and Cyber Harassment as SASPA Becomes VASPA
In 2023, the New Jersey legislature took action to expand the protections of the Sexual Assault Survivors Protection Act, NJSA 2C:14-13, et seq. (SASPA). Effective January 1, 2024, the amended law allows victims of stalking or cyber-harassment to request restraining orders even in the absence of a sexual assault or attempted sexual assault. The law remains otherwise the same but has been retitled the “Victim’s Assistance and Survivor Protection Act” (VASPA).
Let’s unpack VASPA to see how updated provisions close loopholes and help victims of stalking and cyber harassment gain improved access to protection.
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Getting A Divorce In 2024? Here Are The 4 New Divorce Mistakes You Must Avoid
Making the decision to divorce in 2024?
Here’s what you need to know right now: The process of getting a divorce in New Jersey in 2024 is different from even just a few years ago. This is not your Aunt Patty’s divorce, or even your best friend’s pre-Covid split.
In 2024, new issues that frequently complicate the ending of a marriage include: Read more
Raquel Vallejo Confirmed as New Jersey Superior Court Judge
Congratulations to Raquel Vallejo on her appointment to the New Jersey Superior Court! Raquel has been a cornerstone of our firm since 2013, as both an attorney and Partner, and we could not be more proud and excited for her as she takes this next step in her illustrious career. Read more
Does a Parent Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Retain Parental Rights in New Jersey?
If a parent is charged and convicted with child abuse or child sexual abuse, what happens to their parental rights? Should child abusers have parental rights automatically terminated? A recent abuse case sounds the alarm that flaws and loopholes in this area of family law may be putting children in harm’s way. Read more
The Newest “Trend” in Adultery: What Is Microcheating?
Is your spouse thinking about having an affair? In today’s digital age, the answer to this question could be hiding in plain sight on social media. Read more