Trying to Avoid Divorce Disaster? Don’t Make These 3 CIS Mistakes!

divorce mistakes

A successful divorce is all in the details, and arguably some of the most important details of your divorce will be the financial information you provide in your Case Information Statement (CIS). Get your CIS right and your divorce — including asset division and alimony — will be all the better for it. Get your CIS wrong by supplying mistaken or incomplete information and be prepared for a divorce settlement that’s subpar.

The best way to start creating a CIS that is as “right” as possible? Begin by learning these 3 top CIS mistakes to avoid!

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Gray Divorce: 6 Signs That Show It’s Time To Move On

Guide To Contested Divorce

The “gray divorce” rate among spouses ages 50+ has doubled since the 1990s. Greater life expectancies, better health, and greater financial independence for women are some of the leading reasons why older spouses are choosing to end unhappy marriages rather than languish in them, according to the Pew Research Group.

While couples should make every attempt to solve their marital problems, there are some that simply can’t be fixed. Here are seven signs that indicate it’s probably time for you and your spouse to part ways. Read more

3 Ways To Survive When Your Ex Gets A New Partner (And You Have Kids)

children and parenting issues

Finding out that your ex has a new partner can be unsettling. If you’re still single, you may experience twinges of jealousy knowing your former spouse found a significant other before you did. But the toughest blow usually is realizing this person you didn’t choose will have a hand in raising your children. Here are three tips to help you adjust to the change in your ex’s relationship status. Read more

7 Infidelity Triggers And How To Circumvent Them

Infidelity doesn’t just happen; it’s a response to feelings and circumstances. Are you at risk for cheating on your spouse? Here are 7 infidelity triggers that can tell you it’s time to take a step back and work on saving your marriage. Read more

3 Surprising Tips For Preventing Divorce

saving my marriage

When two people plan a life together, they usually envision tangible aspects: a home, children, vacations, a social circle, retirement. But they often overlook the intangible qualities required to make that plan a reality. Currently in the throes of doing everything you can to save your marriage? Here are 3 tips you may not have tried yet!  Read more

Congratulations to Our Firm’s Newest Certified Matrimonial Law Attorneys

Congratulations to six of our firm’s attorneys for recently achieving the distinguished title of Certified Matrimonial Law attorney! Only 2% of attorneys in the state are Certified by New Jersey Supreme Court. We are pleased to announce that joining these exclusive ranks are Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC attorneys Dianna Cavaliere, Robyn Howlett, Laura Mendonca, Veronica Norgaard and Rachel Partyka.

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School’s Out: Is Your Child’s Support Coming To An End?

do divorced parents need to pay grad school tuition?

As your child prepares to graduate from high school, it’s a time of big transitions and happy celebrations. And for parents who receive child support, it’s also a time to naturally wonder: will child support continue once your child moves on from high school into the world of adulthood?

To start finding the answer this question, the first place to look is your divorce settlement and/or existing child support order. Did you and your former spouse come to an agreement as to the age of your child, date and/or circumstances for child support to terminate? If your divorce was years ago, you may have forgotten that your decree even contained this information. Go over your documents to see what directives they may contain.

If no such language exists, you will need to look to New Jersey’s updated child support laws for guidance. Read more

Kids, Parenting Time & Vacation: Are You Ready for the Summer? 

The countdown to summer break has begun! And that means that before the final bell of the school year rings, it’s time for you and your ex to iron out plans for the months ahead.

Are you ready for the less structured days of summer vacation? Planning a trip with your kids? Want more time with your child? Or wondering which parent pays for expenses like summer camp?

Here are answers to common summer co-parenting questions we hear all the time!  Read more

3 Steps to Prepare for Marriage the Second Time Around

Meghan Markle and the UK’s Prince Harry are set to wed this summer. This will be the first trip down the aisle for Prince Harry, but did you know that it’s actually marriage the second time around for Meghan Markle?  She divorced her first husband, actor Trevor Engelson, in 2013.

If  you are preparing for your own second chance at wedded bliss, then you — just like Ms. Markle — are in the very privileged position of understanding what can sink a marriage and the distress of needing to divorce. So let’s help you put this wisdom to work! Before you say “I do” again,  here are three important steps you can take to safeguard your peace of mind in your new marriage. Read more

7 Signs That Your Marriage Is Over

The task of marriage is not to avoid conflict, but to work through it in order to grow as a couple and as individuals. Problems left to fester will eventually erode a marriage. Read on to find out if yours is headed for divorce — and what you can do to keep it from going over the brink. Read more