Depression And Single Parenthood: How To Cope

depression and coparenting

The disruption of divorce and overwhelming nature of single parenthood can give even a happy-go-lucky person a case of the blues. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s how to cope — and how to conquer — depression as a solo parent. Read more

18 Tips For Having A Better Co-Parenting Relationship in 2018

co-parenting in 2018

Was 2017 a bad year for you and your co-parent? Resolve to turn things around in 2018. Co-parenting is a skill than you can improve with practice. Read on for tips on how you can get along better with your ex. Read more

Moving On From Divorce: Why You Need To Stop Blaming Your Ex

stop blaming your ex

When you’re in the throes of divorce, it’s easy to think of all the ways your ex has wronged you. It’s easy to blame him or her for the downfall of your marriage, as well as your current state of misery.

But blaming your ex for messing up your life, as well as your children’s lives, won’t change the past — or the present.  The only thing blame will do is make you exponentially more miserable. Ready to let go and start moving on in 2018? Here’s how to take the first step.  Read more

How To Turn Your Divorce Despair Into An Opportunity For Growth

divorce growth

Whether you have a high-conflict divorce or are just struggling to find your identity and purpose now that you’re single, you don’t have to let your circumstances define you. Here are some tips for turning the pain of divorce into positive transformation: Read more

New Tax Law: If You Wait To Divorce, Alimony You Pay WON’T Be Tax Deductible 

new alimony tax rule

It’s official: Congress has passed the most sweeping tax overhaul in decades. The expansive tax code changes will impact taxpayers of all walks of life, including a very big tax implication for divorcing spouses who pay or receive alimony.

What will change?   Read more

The 5 Dos And Don’ts Of Starting Your Divorce

Think it’s time to head to the courthouse to file for your divorce? After making the difficult decision to end your marriage, you may feel emotionally ready to take the next step, but before you fill out a single form, it’s prudent to make sure that you are also legally prepared for the read ahead. To help you out, here are some pointers to consider before you file: Read more

Can You Get A Divorce Do-Over?

What happens when months after your divorce, you find out an error was made in your settlement — a big one — because of information your former spouse failed to disclose? Here are some of the factors that could lead the courts to grant you a divorce “do-over.”

For an overview of the process, let’s take a look at Sarah’s unexpected discovery when taking care of some post-divorce paperwork.

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Do I Get More In My Divorce If My Spouse Cheated?

Wronged spouses everywhere have fantasized about taking their soon-to-be exes “to the cleaners” as punishment for having an affair during their marriage. The belief that one spouse will get more out of the marital bank account because of the other’s bad behavior is widespread. But under New Jersey family law, this belief is also a mistaken one.

Here’s why. Read more

How To Avoid Holiday Pitfalls With Your High-Conflict Ex

high-conflict ex

Worried that your high-conflict ex will be the grinch who steals your holiday good cheer? You can’t control what your drama-seeking former spouse does, but you can strategize ways to manage the crazy so you and your kids can enjoy this special time of year. If you keep in mind what motivates narcissists, you’ll know what to expect — and know how to cope!  Read more

Can I Adopt My Grandchild?

grandparent adoption

Grandparents caring for their grandkids is becoming more and more common these days. Most of the time, the arrangement is between family and not court ordered. But, there are situations where grandparents want to formally adopt their grandchildren. Is this possible, here in New Jersey? Read more