How To Divorce Mr. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

divorcing a narcissist

If you’re divorcing a husband with a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), you’re in for a bumpy ride. No matter what your friends and family tell you, Mr. NPD is not going to “get over it” or “put the children first.” Why? Narcissists lack empathy, have black-and-white worldviews, and look for targets to blame for their problems. You will never change a narcissist’s personality structure, but you can learn strategies to keep him from driving you nuts! Here’s how: Read more

How to File for Divorce in New Jersey and What to Look Out For!

how to file for divorce in new jerseyYou may be ready to file for your divorce, but you have so many questions! Where do you file? What paperwork is needed?  How do you know what to ask for in the divorce? What are your rights and responsibilities?

On Tuesday, November 14 at 12pm, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC will host a FREE 30-mintue live webinar where you will find out about filing for divorce in New Jersey and get your burning questions answered! Join us as we welcome firm founder and family law expert Bari Z. Weinberger to cover need-to-know topics such as: Read more

Reconciling After Adultery: A Roadmap For The Cheater

It’s possible to reconcile after adultery, and even make your marriage better than before, but it takes hard work and humility. Serious about repairing your relationship? Here are 7 things you must do to make amends and move forward. Read more

How To Get A Narcissist To Reveal Themselves

Preparing for your day in court with your narcissist spouse? You may be worried that the judge — like so many others — will be swayed by your spouse’s ability to turn on their charm and powers of persuasion. But with some subtle moves of your own, you can help reveal your spouse’s true controlling, combative tendencies — without damaging your own credibility. Here’s how.   Read more

How To Help Your Children Handle An Unreliable Parent

child waiting for an unreliable parent

If your ex is unreliable, or completely MIA, you may know not what to say to your children. There may be information you don’t want to share because it would hurt them. Or you may not even have the answer. But you need to give your kids some kind of explanation. Here are some steps you can take to help your children cope with an unreliable parent and develop relationships with people who are good for them. Read more

5 Tips For Attending Parent-Teacher Conferences With Your Ex

parent-teacher conferences

Your first parent-teacher conference after separation or divorce can be unsettling. The event may bring back memories of happier times, and the excitement of raising young children together. It may be an unwelcome reminder that your family is no longer in tact, and that your life hasn’t gone the way you expected.

If you and your former spouse are so volatile that you have a hard time being in the same room, ask the teacher if you can have separate conferences. Some schools will not accommodate your request, however, so you will need to make the most of possibly attending with your ex. Here are five tips to make your first parent-teacher conference after divorce a success. Read more

First Holiday After Divorce: 8 Tips For Surviving It Solo

your first solo holidays after divorce

There’s nothing like the holidays to make a newly divorced or separated person feel disconnected and lonely. Everywhere you turn, you’re reminded of your new status. Your friends are spending Thanksgiving “just with family.” Holiday cards featuring perfect-looking parents and children appear in your mailbox — and your Facebook newsfeed is overflowing with happy, smiling couples and families. You watch a commercial for “It’s A Wonderful Life” and burst into tears.

You may feel alone in this — but in reality, you’re far from it! According to the 2017 U.S. Census report, 110.6 million American adults aged 18 and older are single. That’s a whopping 42.5% of the population. So give yourself an early holiday gift and let go of your self-consciousness. Instead, start thinking of ways to make the most out of this holiday season. Here are some suggestions to get you started…  Read more

Divorce Horror Story: When Two Narcissists Divorce

narcissist divorce

Because it’s part of their nature to become entrenched in polarized positions and view others a threat — narcissists  know how to make a good divorce go bad. And in situations where both spouses have narcissistic tendencies, divorce can go from bad to horrible for all involved, especially the narcissists’ children.

Let’s take a “worst case scenario” view of the dangers of a narcissist vs. narcissist divorce. Here’s Sterling and Savannah story. What could they do differently?  Read more

How To File For Divorce – Free Webinar

Live Webinar: How To Get A Temporary Restraining Order