5 Ways To Get Closure After Divorce

divorce closure

Feeling stuck or still hooked into your ex one, two, or ten years after you finalized your divorce? It’s time for some closure! Try these 5 ways to finally start moving on with your life.  Read more

5 Ways to Prepare for Your Divorce Trial

divorce trial

Perhaps you tried mediation and it failed. Or, negotiating with your spouse just wasn’t a possibility in the first place. Whatever the reason, you now find yourself facing a divorce trial. Admittedly, the prospect of going before a judge can be stressful, but it is not the end of the world. Here are a few ways to prepare for your day in court: Read more

7 Tips For Clearing Your Emotional Divorce Clutter

If you can’t shake off the psychological goblins that often accompany divorce – anger, guilt, resentment, and fear – you may need help clearing your emotional divorce clutter. Read more

FREE Webinar: How To File For Divorce In New Jersey

File for divorce in New Jersey - divorce process, collaborative divorce

Need to file for divorce in New Jersey? Know its time to divorce, but scared you will make a mistake? Terrified about the filing for divorce and getting it wrong? We can help.

On Tuesday, September 26 at 12:30pm, Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC will host a free 30-minute webinar aimed at helping people prepare for the divorce process. The webinar, How to File For Divorce in New Jersey, will help you avoid the dangers of divorce by giving you key insights, insider tips and secrets that will help you reduce stress, time, and save you money in your divorce. Read more

Can My Ex Stop Me From Moving Out of New Jersey With My Kids?

Relocation out of New Jersey to a new state with children has been talked about more these days, since the newest court decision on relocation was released earlier this summer. Now, because of the court’s decision in Bisbing, it’s gotten a bit harder for parents with custody of their child to leave New Jersey for a new state or a new country.

Parents are now left wondering if their ex can actually stop a move out of New Jersey with the kids, especially if there is no formal custody order in place and the parents have just worked out their own arrangements between them. So, what happens if one parent wants to relocate without the permission of the other parent?  Read more

Can You Get Child Or Spousal Support BEFORE Your Divorce?

temporary support orders

You separated from your spouse and filed for divorce. You haven’t worked outside the home in almost a decade and you have two kids in a big house with a mortgage. You need money now. Can you get spousal support or child support before your divorce is finalized? Read more

Why Does My Attorney Think I Need A Divorce Therapist?

divorce therapy

If your attorney encourages you to see a divorce therapist, you may balk at the idea. Therapy? You?! But as much as you may want to initially, try not to dismiss this recommendation. Besides helping you feel better, seeing a therapist could actually help you manage your divorce – and keep your legal fees down. Here’s why. Read more

Can Your Friendships Survive Your Divorce?

divorce and friendship

When you get a divorce, it just seems to be an unavoidable side effect: a few people you thought were your friends suddenly fall away. Why do some friendships fade in the face of divorce? Here are some explanations — and some tips to find peace in your shifting social circles.  Read more

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Filing For Divorce

questions to ask before deciding to divorce Is divorce the best emotional decision for you to make right now? When you can’t get your marriage to work, it’s easy to think the grass could be greener somewhere else, but the truth is, it’s just different grass. Take time to decide if you – and your children – would really be better off on the other side of that fence by asking yourself these five questions. Read more

What To Do When Your Child Blames You For Your Divorce

child blaming parent for divorce

Do your kids blame you for your divorce — even if you’re not the one who initiated it? Here’s how everyone can gain a new perspective.  Read more