When Can A Transgender Child Change Their Name?

transgender child name change

When can a transgender minor change theirname to reflect their accurate gender? A recently issued opinion by the New Jersey courts offers guidance to transgender children and their families.

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Can I Keep My Health Insurance After My Divorce?

health insurance after divorce

If your health insurance has been provided through your spouse’s employer and you are now getting a divorce…what’s next? Will you be able to keep your health insurance plan after your divorce is final, or should make other arrangements?  Read more

I’m Moving For My Job: What About My Parenting Time?

relocation and parenting time

Your company is relocating to larger headquarters across the country and you have been presented with an ultimatum: move to California and keep your job, or stay in New Jersey and possibly end up on the unemployment line. It’s a tough decision for anyone to make, but when you’re a divorced parent with set parenting time with your kids, relocating out of state can mean big changes. What are your options? Read more

Answering Your Questions About Prenuptial Agreements

premarital and prenuptial agreements

Prenuptial agreements are becoming more commonplace for couples planning to wed. And why not? Prenups, also called premarital agreements, are a smart way to protect not only your premarital “self” but also your marriage down the road. A prenup can give both of you peace of mind. So, what do you need to know before you get one? Read more

It Never Happened! Getting An Annulment in New Jersey


Instead of getting a divorce, should you get an annulment? Find out if you have grounds to annul your marriage under current annulment rules in New Jersey and take a look at what the best options are for your future. Read more

Divorced Parents: Who Pays For Summer Camp?

summer camp

You and your child’s other parent divorced last winter and now August is rapidly approaching. During your marriage, you and your spouse would send your child to “sleep-away” summer camp. Finances were certainly different for everyone when you were still sharing one household. Now, it appears as though neither one of you can foot the bill for the overnight camp on your own. So, will you child have to skip summer camp this year? Read more

When Parents Disagree on Circumcision

circumcisionTo circumcise or not to circumcise your son is a personal decision between you and your child’s other parent. There are extreme views on both sides of this issue and parents who choose to circumcise their children do so for a myriad of reasons including religion, tradition and hygiene. But, what if you and your spouse or partner disagree about circumcision? Do the courts get involved? And, if they do get involved in such a personal issue, where do they typically side? Read more

6 Ways Divorce Therapy Can Change You For The Better

divorce therapistIf divorce and co-parenting woes are making you so overwhelmed that you’re struggling to function at home and at work, divorce therapy can help. Here’s how. Read more

Getting Parenting Time Back After Addiction


Addiction recovery: Are you trying to get your back your parenting time following addiction? Here is what New Jersey family law says about your rights and responsibilities as a parent in recovery.

Note: This is second part of our special 2-part series on parenting time and addiction recovery. Read part 1: How Recovering Addicts Can Get Parenting Time.

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How Recovering Addicts Can Get Parenting Time

addiction and custody
Note: This is part 1 of our special 2-part series on parenting after addiction recovery. Read part 2 here: Getting Back Your Parenting Time From the Courts After Addiction.

You’re out of rehab and determined to regain parenting time with your kids. Courts want children to have a relationship with both parents, but only if that’s in their best interest. If you have lost custody of your kids, or if your spouse has temporary custody due to your addiction, you will need to prove that you’re working on ongoing recovery and that you’re able to properly care for your children. Here are steps you need to take to regain parenting time.

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