How Recovering Addicts Can Get Parenting Time

addiction and custody
Note: This is part 1 of our special 2-part series on parenting after addiction recovery. Read part 2 here: Getting Back Your Parenting Time From the Courts After Addiction.

You’re out of rehab and determined to regain parenting time with your kids. Courts want children to have a relationship with both parents, but only if that’s in their best interest. If you have lost custody of your kids, or if your spouse has temporary custody due to your addiction, you will need to prove that you’re working on ongoing recovery and that you’re able to properly care for your children. Here are steps you need to take to regain parenting time.

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Modifying Your Alimony: Are You Paying Too Much?

spousal supportHas something significant recently changed your financial circumstances, such as a drastic and involuntary reduction in your income? Or, have you recently learned that your ex-spouse has gotten a substantial raise or a much higher-paying job? These types of situations can lead a person paying alimony, now more commonly known as spousal support, to wonder if they’re now paying too much. And, if you do believe that you should have your spousal support reduced, how do you go about getting that reduction approved by a judge? Read more

Filing for Divorce Based on Irreconcilable Differences in New Jersey

no fault divorceDid you know that in order to file for and be granted a divorce, you must tell the court your reason(s) for wanting the divorce? These reasons are known as “grounds for divorce” and there are several grounds upon which you can base your complaint. The most common ground cited by divorcing spouses in New Jersey is “irreconcilable differences.” What does this term mean — and how do you know if it’s the right grounds for your divorce?  Read more

How to Get More Summer Parenting Time With Your Kids

Summer vacation is rapidly approaching and you want to spend as much time as you can with your children during their break from school. Hopefully, you and your children’s other parent have a solid custody and parenting plan in place that talks about summer vacation time with each of you. But what if you want extra time with your kids? Summer means longer days and frequent outdoor activities like BBQs and sporting events. If you would like to possibly increase your time with your kids for these kinds of special occasions, here are some steps that can help you accomplish this. Read more

How To Deal With a High-Conflict Co-Parent

Dealing with a high-conflict co-parent can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and sometimes financially draining. If you don’t find strategies to manage your relationship with your ex, it only makes it more difficult to find peace of mind. Don’t let that happen! Read on to learn five effective ways to deal with your co-parent so you can thrive after divorce. Read more

ABCs of LGBT Adoption in New Jersey

Note: On Friday 6/16, join us on our Facebook page  for a LIVE webinar on LGBT adoption!

More and more LGBT couples are deciding to become parents and are looking to adoption as a way to make that dream a reality for their family. How does adoption work New Jersey? Are there special rules for LGBT couples to follow? What else should you know? Here are some adoption basics for our LGBT New Jersey residents.

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5 Ways To Make The Most Out of Marriage Counseling

If you’re thinking about, or have decided to get marriage counseling, good for you! Here are five top tips to help you make the most out of marriage counseling and get your relationship headed in the right direction. Read more

ALS: Staying Together When Your Spouse Has A Chronic Disease

When one spouse develops a chronic disease, it’s almost as if a third party has entered the marriage. Serious illness changes the couple’s normal dynamic. Both spouses have to reorganize around this uninvited guest who forces them to change the way they work, run the household, have sex, spend their free-time, and communicate. Read more

The Ex Files: How To Deal With a High-Conflict Co-Parent

Dealing with a high-conflict co-parent can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and sometimes financially draining. If you don’t find strategies to manage your relationship with your ex, you can descend into a vat of resentment. Don’t let that happen! Read on to learn five effective ways to deal with your co-parent so you can thrive after divorce. Read more

Dangers for Divorcing Dads

dads and divorceDivorce isn’t easy and you are trying your best as a father to care for your kids while battling emotional upheaval that naturally comes with the divorce process. While it goes without saying that you have your children’s best interests always at heart, it can be easy to encounter pitfalls as you attempt to navigate through some tough times. What missteps should you be on the lookout for? Here are four key divorce mistakes dads often make — and what you can do to avoid them. Read more