Prep Your Child Support & Custody Agreements For Back-To-School

child support school costs

The new school year is almost here, and for divorced parents that means an extra layer of planning beyond the usual checklist of pencils, notebooks and a new lunchbox. Are your co-parenting arrangements back-to-school ready or are changes required to better suit your child’s needs? Here are some tips for how to review child custody and child support agreements for the school year ahead. Read more

Can Collecting Back Child Support & Alimony Lower Current Payments? 

enforcing support paymentWe recently had an interesting question about child support enforcement asked by one of our Facebook page members.

My ex was unemployed for a time and stopped paying the support he owed me. He’s now employed again, making more than he ever has before. He has not paid any of the back support and is refusing to talk to me about it. I also want to restart alimony, which was temporarily stopped when he lost his job. What are my rights to the back support and current support payments? 

Are you in a similar situation and experiencing non-payment of child support or alimony due to your ex’s job loss? How do you get support payments back on track once your ex is employed again?

Here are some answers…

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Can cannabis use affect your parenting and custody rights? 

cannabis custodyIn New Jersey it’s now legal for adults 21 or older to buy recreational cannabis products. However just because “legal weed” exists in 2022 doesn’t mean that using marijuana is free from legal ramifications. Do you or your former spouse use marijuana? Then you need to know how it could impact your parental rights and child custody arrangements. Read more

FIRE Divorce: Keeping Early Retirement Plans on Track

FIRE divorce

Are you concerned about getting divorced because you and your spouse are staunch FIRE proponents? Divorce can indeed be more complicated for FIRE couples, but with enough planning, you can come through it with your financial independence and stability intact. Read more

Seeking A Modification For Full Custody? Evidence Is Key

modification for full custodyYou’re noticing red flags in your ex’s parenting and think it’s in your children’s best interests to spend more time with you. What do the courts look for when one parent sues to make changes to the current custody agreement and requests “full custody” of the kids? A recent celebrity news item involving a custody dispute between exes Christina Hall (formerly Haack) and Ant Anstead  provides a lesson in the high stakes — and high burden of proof — involved in child custody modification cases. Read more

Serving Legal Papers In Divorce And Custody Matters — How To Keep It Private

Earlier this week, actress and director Olivia Wilde was center stage introducing her new film at CinemaCon when an audience member approached and slid a manilla envelope towards her, mysteriously labeled “personal and confidential.” Wilde glanced at the papers but kept mum about their contents, leading media in attendance to speculate the envelope contained an unsolicited script or perhaps a fan letter to Wilde’s boyfriend, Harry Styles. A few hours later, however, the truth was revealed: In the middle of a very high profile career-related moment, Wilde had been served with legal papers related to a child custody matter by ex-husband Jason Sudeikis.

Was this serving of legal papers in such a public way avoidable? If you’re about to serve, or be served papers, in your divorce or family law matters, it is important to know what your options are, and how to ensure speedy — and discrete — delivery. Read more

“Handbag Divorce”: Divvying Up Pricey Personal Items In Divorce

Do you or your spouse have a taste for expensive designer handbags? Have either of you purchased a pair of designer shoes or haut couture designer clothing for yourselves or for each other? If you are getting a divorce, you need to know that these types of high end personal belongings may be key marital assets to be divided in your settlement. Read more

Raquel Vallejo Earns NJ Supreme Court Certification In Matrimonial Law


Congratulations to firm partner Raquel Vallejo for earning her Certification in Matrimonial Law from the New Jersey Supreme Court.  This distinguished status is achieved by only two percent of attorneys statewide.  Read more

Getting A Divorce? 5 Steps To Take Control

Take control divorceDecided to divorce? It’s time to come to grips with the fact that the process you’re about to embark upon will require you to make critical decisions affecting your life, your children’s lives, and the shape of your future. With so much at stake, our 5-step action plan can help you begin the divorce process feeling ready, willing, and able to move through divorce with greater clarity. Here’s how to take control of your divorce — and stay in control. Read more

Is Your Spouse Using Digital NFTs To Hide Assets In Your Divorce?

NFTs in divorce

This is the second in a blog series on sneaky new ways duplicitous spouses are attempting to hide marital assets in divorce. The first blog in the series can be found here: Top Signs Your Spouse Is Hiding Bitcoin Assets In Your Divorce.

Getting divorced and suspect that your spouse is being less than truthful in disclosing all their assets? Not quite sure where to look for hidden assets? If your ex is on the tech savvy side, NFTs – a new digital form of art — may be a hiding spot worth investigating. Read more