Is Spanking Child Abuse?

is spanking child abuseSpanking, or the use of corporal punishment as a child rearing practice, has been a hot-button topic in parenting circles for decades. At the heart of this debate is an extremely important question: does spanking or slapping your child as a consequence for misbehavior merely a form discipline — or is it a form of child abuse? Read more

Six Crucial Financial Steps to Take Before You File For Divorce

Making the decision to divorce is not easy. While you may be certain that your marriage is over, you may not be sure what steps to take in order to prepare for your upcoming divorce, especially when it comes to preparing your finances. To help you enter the divorce process as safeguarded and protected as possible, here are 5 critical steps to protect your financial health. Read more

Co-Parenting With An Unreliable Ex: 5 Steps For Keeping Your Kids Secure

They’re a no-show or late at almost every custody swap. They promise to call or Skype the kids…and then don’t. They frequently “forget” to share important information like…your son was sick over the weekend, or that really big science project they were supposed to work on was left untouched.

Unreliable exes often don’t seem to realize that their behavior not only makes it difficult to co-parent, but also makes it hard for kids to feel safe and secure in their relationships with their parent. Stuck with an ex who can’t — or won’t — take parenting responsibilities seriously? Here are 5 tips to help you keep your kids feeling as secure as possible in the face of someone who does everything possible to make them feel insecure. Read more

Dads and Divorce: Coping Without Your Kids

custody options for dadsYou dread coming home to an empty house. Dinnertime is too quiet. The kids’ bedrooms are too neat. You spot other dads hanging out with their children, and you wish you could see yours every day. It can be difficult for kids to adjust to two home after their parents’ divorce, but it can be just as difficult for parents to adjust to seeing their kids less often then they would like.

Today, we’re talking just to dads (moms: we’ll have tips for you coming soon!), and want you to know that no matter how your parenting time plan is divided, you are still your children’s father. If you are having a difficult time coping with not seeing your kids as much as you once did, here are nine tips to make every minute count. Read more

5 Steps To Overcoming Divorce Shame

divorce shameOvercoming divorce shame requires time and discipline, but it can be done! Here are 5 steps you can take to rid yourself of this toxic emotion and live a meaningful life. Read more

Bari Weinberger Delivers Keynote Speech On Male Victims of Domestic Violence At Union County C.A.R.E.S. Symposium

Bari Weinberger delivered a keynote speech at the 4th annual Union County C.A.R.E.S. (Community, Action, Response, Education, Safety) Domestic Violence Symposium, held April 6, 2017, at Kean University. The theme of this year’s Symposium was Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence. Bari delivered the keynote presentation for the panel discussion on male victims of domestic violence. Read more

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC Goes BLUE for CASA Child Advocate & Child Abuse Awareness Day

Please scroll to the end of this post for more photos from today’s GO BLUE event!

Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group, LLC is proud to support CASA’s GO BLUE campaign in support of New Jersey’s Child Advocate Day, this Friday, April 7. We applaud CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for the extremely important work they perform on behalf of children who have been abused and neglected. In addition to wearing blue in a show of support for CASA throughout all our offices, and making a firm-wide donation, we are taking time today to raise awareness about the vital work this organization performs in our state.

Want to learn more about CASA? Here is some information to get you started: Read more

5 Sensitive Pieces Of Information You Should Always Share With Your Divorce Attorney

sensitive information to share with your divorce attorneyTune in Friday, April 7 at 11 am on our Facebook page for a LIVE webinar on key information to share with your divorce attorney!

Spouses going through a divorce experience a vast array of emotions: anger, resentment, sadness and even embarrassment, especially over very sensitive or personal details about their marriage or separation. Difficult emotions can lead people to withhold certain information from their attorneys — as can a desire to keep quiet information that they may not want to share with their spouse. In either instance, it is never a wise idea to keep secrets from your divorce attorney, whose very role is to be your advocate as well as your confidant during this time.

Be comforted that any statements you make (unless you are planning on committing a crime or planning to lie under oath) are protected by the attorney-client privilege, so take a deep breath, and share! Here are 5 sensitive items you should absolutely tell your attorney: Read more

When Kids Witness Domestic Violence, Is It Child Abuse?

Child Victims of Domestic ViolenceWitnessing violence in any form can leave a lasting negative impact on a child — and when children live in homes where domestic violence, including physical abuse, is a frequent occurrence, the consequences can be dire. What can we do to protect young bystanders to spousal or intimate partner violence, and where does the law in New Jersey currently stand with regards to children living in violent or abusive homes? Read more

Serving Legal Papers Through Facebook Allowed By New Jersey Court

serving divorce papers through Facebook

Image copyright MichalLudwiczak,

The New Jersey family court in Morris County recently confirmed what many states have already permitted: using Facebook and other social media as a way to serve legal papers. Is serving your spouse with divorce papers only a click away? Read on to find out how the new ruling could apply to you… Read more