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Don't go into your divorce or family law matter defenseless
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Safeguarding Your Rights™ - Safeguarding Your Children™ - Safeguarding Your Future™
When Kids Witness Domestic Violence, Is It Child Abuse?
Serving Legal Papers Through Facebook Allowed By New Jersey Court
Image copyright MichalLudwiczak,
Becoming A Legal Guardian To Your Adult Child With Autism
The State Of Transgender Parents Rights In New Jersey
Transgender Rights: How to Change Your Name & Gender Marker in New Jersey
We’re contributing to this year’s theme by providing information about one of the most empowering steps a transgender person may decide to take: amending their birth certificate to change their name and their gender to reflect who they truly are! Read more
Dogs & Divorce: Who Gets Custody?
With National Pet Day coming in April, we are all reminded just how beloved and special our pets are. Without question, many consider their furry friends to be family. But, New Jersey still considers pets, at least in a legal sense, to be property, when a dispute arises with couples who are separating or divorcing. Read more
5 Steps to Taking Charge of Your Divorce
It is time for a divorce, but with so many critical decisions looming on the horizon, you can feel more than a little daunted. Your kids, your assets, and your future…are you ready for the road ahead? With so much at stake, here is a 5-step action plan to help you begin the divorce process feeling ready, willing, and able to take on these big life issues. Read more
Why A Post-Nuptial Agreement Could Be Good For Your Relationship
Alternatives for Domestic Violence Offers DV Counseling Program For Korean Community
Announcing Our New Union County Divorce & Family Law Offices