Is It Time To Strengthen New Jersey’s Domestic Violence Laws?

Help for Domestic Violence in the Korean Community

The brutal December 18 murder of New Jersey mother of two Tara O’Shea-Watson at the hands of her estranged husband and accused killer, Jeremiah Monell, is a tragedy beyond all belief. In the aftermath of Monell’s arrest following a two-week long manhunt, friends of O’Shea-Watson are now pointing to a proposed domestic violence bill before the New Jersey Legislature that they say may have kept O’Shea-Watson safe, and alive. Read more

How To Let People Know You’re Getting A Divorce

announcing your divorceYou’ve decided to divorce, now you need to decide how to let people know. But what details should you share? With whom? How should you deliver the message? Via e-mail blast? Phone call? In person? Here are some tips for how to spread the news. Read more

5 Steps to Emotionally Prepare For Divorce

emotionally preparing for divorceDivorce is a life-altering event, so you need a clear head when planning yours. Here are five tips to manage your emotions so you can make sound, long-term legal decisions. Read more

Parental Alienation & The Law In New Jersey

parental-alienation What is your legal recourse when you recognize that your ex is is attempting to alienate you from your kids? Here are concrete steps you can take to protect your relationship with your children, starting right now! Read more

Court Rules on Dad’s Bad Behavior At Child’s Little League Game

bad parent behaviorWe see — and hear them — at baseball fields, hockey arenas, and wherever kids play sports:  parents who think nothing of screaming at coaches, referees, other parents, and their children. Is your ex one of them? Find out what happened when one fed-up former spouse went to court to have her child’s other parent barred from sporting events for bad behavior. Read more

You Are Invited To Second Saturday Divorce Workshop, Featuring Bari Weinberger

Ready to learn more about divorce in New Jersey? On January 19, join Weinberger Law Group founder Bari Weinberger and other expert presenters for an all new Second Saturday workshop for women, held at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park. Read more

Custody Battles: How Bad Could It Get? Part II

emergency child custody

In Part I of Custody Battles: How Bad Could It Get?, we learned how conflicts over religion and in-laws led to the unraveling of Jake and Abby’s marriage and launched a custody battle. Jake declared that Abby’s desire to raise 5-year-old Max was confusing their son. Abby alleged that Jake didn’t really want more time with Max and was going to hand him over to his meddlesome mother. The judge ordered the couple to share custody and resolve their issues in therapy — a tall order indeed. What happened next?  Read more

3 Secrets For Finding The Right Divorce Attorney

Let’s face it: divorce can be difficult. You may be struggling with a vast array of emotions about your family separating and feeling confused about how to proceed. Now it’s time to hire an attorney and the options of who to pick for the job may feel overwhelming. Need some help? Get these three secret insider tips for picking the right lawyer for you!  Read more

3 Ways Spouses Hide Assets

hidden sources of incomeIt can be frustrating to go though a divorce, but it is even more frustrating when you believe that your spouse is hiding or concealing income or assets from you or your divorce attorney. Are the numbers simply not adding up to you? Here are three common ways that spouses attempt to hide assets or money in a divorce: Read more

How to Get a Restraining Order in New Jersey

Sadly, domestic violence can increase over the holidays. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship or situation, we want you to know that you can get out and you can get help, no matter what time of year it is. Not sure how to take action? Here’s some step-by-step advice on how to file for a restraining order in New Jersey. Read more